Introduction to Statistics for Astronomers and Physicists

Section 3a: Bayesian Statistics

Dr Angus H Wright

Updated: 2022-02-08

Before we begin

Take a pen and paper, and write down your answers to the questions below. We’re going to have three scenarios, and for these I want you to think honestly about your responses and record them. They’re only for you to see, so think about your responses and put them down honestly. They will be very useful as we go through the lecture (and you might learn something fun about your brain along the way!).

First night back in the pub…

After a long lockdown, the pandemic has eased and you and your friends meet at the pub for the first time in over a year. Everyone starts talking about how they spent their time in lockdown.

Scenario One: The Drunken Coin Toss

One friend announces to the group that he spent lockdown teaching himself how to predict the future. He proudly announces that not only can he predict everyone’s future, but he can also see the outcomes of any event before it happens. The group challenges him to prove it, by correctly predicting the outcome of a fair coin toss \(10\) times in a row.

Scenario Two: The Wine Critic

A second friend says that he spent the lockdown “learning how to be a wine critic”. You suppose that it’s possible that he spent a year studying the fine details of wine production, or perhaps this is just be a euphemism for “I drank lots of cheap wine during the lockdown”… The group challenges him to prove his skills, by correctly identifying whether an unlabelled glass of wine comes from a vineyard in France or Spain \(10\) times in a row.

Scenario Three: The Classical Pianist

A third friend says that she spent the lockdown re-learning how to play classical piano. She says that she had learned to play classical piano as a child, and the long time in lockdown gave her the perfect opportunity to renew her passion for playing. The group challenges her to prove it, but alas there is no piano in the bar. Therefore they decide to test her knowledge by challenging her to correctly identify whether a piece of classical music is by Beethoven or Mozart \(10\) times in a row.

Sceptic or Believer?

Each of these scenarios present the person with a challenge. Without focussing on the statistics (just yet), your job is to now come up with a figure that demonstrates how likely you think the person is to succeed their challenge.

Start by drawing three empty axes like the below. They should go from \(0\) to \(1\) on the x-axis, and the x-axis should be labelled “fractional chance of success”. Make three of these empty graphs, and label them as Scenario One, Scenario Two, and Scenario Three.

#Set up the axes
magplot(1,xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,8),xlab="fractional chance of success",ylab="PDF",
        type='n',frame.plot=FALSE,labels=c(T,F),main='Scenario <NUM>')

So can start by asking yourself: what probability do you think that the person has of succeeding their challenge? Remember that the challenges all state that they must guess correctly all \(10\) times. If they get any of the \(10\) guesses wrong, then they fail their challenge.

You can start simple: just come up with a single value of how likely you think it is that the three people succeed in making all \(10\) guesses correctly.

#Setup the axes
magplot(1,xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,8),xlab="fractional chance of success",ylab="PDF",
#They've got basically no chance of success

#Setup the axes
magplot(1,xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,8),xlab="fractional chance of success",ylab="PDF",
#They've got a 50:50 chance of success

#Setup the axes
magplot(1,xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,8),xlab="fractional chance of success",ylab="PDF",
#Very confident of success

Once you’ve marked your point-estimates of the probability of success for each of the three challenges, you can now extend these to full probability distributions.

#Setup the axes
magplot(1,xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,8),xlab="fractional chance of success",ylab="PDF",
#Pretty confident that they've got 50% chance of success

#Setup the axes
magplot(1,xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,8),xlab="fractional chance of success",ylab="PDF",
#Absolutely no idea; equal chance from 0% to 100%

#Setup the axes
magplot(1,xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,8),xlab="fractional chance of success",ylab="PDF",
#Very confident "fail"
#Only weakly confident "succeed"
legend("top",legend=c("Very confident 'fail'", "Weakly confident 'succeed'"),

Once you’ve drawn your graphs for the three outcomes, proceed to the next slide.

What happens?

The time has come for the challenges!

Scenario One: The Drunken Coin Toss

First up is your good friend the drunken fortune teller. You take a coin from your own pocket, so that you know that it is fair. You proceed to toss the coin \(10\) times, and each time your friend guesses the outcome while the coin is in the air.

Scenario Two: The Wine Critic

Up next is the “wine expert”. You ask the barman to prepare, out of sight of the group, \(10\) glasses containing wine from either France or Spain. He numbers the glasses \(1\) to \(10\), and gives them to you to administer the challenge. This bartender, it seems, has a degree in experimental design and is ensuring that the challenge is held under the strictest double-blind conditions, to ensure that there is no cheating.

You give the glasses of wine one-by-one to your friend, and record whether he thinks the wine comes from France or Spain. You take his responses back to the bartender.

Scenario Three: The Classical Pianist

Lastly we have the challenge for our friend the classical pianist. The group goes through their music libraries and selects \(10\) songs that are written by either Mozart or Beethoven. They make the test as difficult as possible by purposely avoiding any songs that are widely popular (like the “duh duh duh duuuuuhhhhhhh” one).

The play the \(10\) songs one at a time for your friend.

What do you think?

In all three challenges, our friends are victorious! How do these observations align with what you have in your graphs? Or more importantly:

Let’s take a moment to redraw your three probability graphs. Draw three more empty axes, and again label them as Scenarios \(1/2/3\). However, this time we’ve already seen the results of the challenges. So let’s instead make the x-axis “fractional chance they’re telling the truth”, so:

#Setup the axes
magplot(1,xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,8),xlab="fractional chance they're telling the truth",ylab="PDF",
        type='n',frame.plot=FALSE,labels=c(T,F),main='Scenario <NUM>')

I now want you to draw PDFs that show what you think the probability is that they are telling the truth, given what we have seen in the challenges.

Keep these graphs nearby, as they will be useful to reflect upon as we go through today’s lecture.

Section 3: Introduction

Section 3: Bayesian Statistics (Weeks 7-9)

Bayes theorem led to a revolution in statistics, via the concepts of prior and posterior evidence. In modern astronomy and physics, applications of Bayesian statistics are widespread. We begin with a study of Bayes theorem, and the fundamental differences between frequentest and Bayesian analysis. We explore applications of Bayesian statistics, through well studied statistical problems (both within and outside of physics).

Classical Inference

During the course so far, we have frequently described the concept of extracting information about a “population” \(\Omega\) from a “sample” of observations drawn from that population. This process is called statistical inference, and until this point we have been interested in “Classical Inference”.

Searching the forest

Let’s take an example. A forestry commission wants to know (or rather estimate) how many trees in a large forest suffer from a particular disease.

It’s impractical to check every tree in the forest, and so they instead select a sample of \(n\) trees to test.

If \(\theta\) is true fraction of trees that have the disease, then each tree in the sample \(n\), independent of all others, will be diseased with the probability \(\theta\).

Let \(X\) be the random variable corresponding to the number of diseased trees in the sample \(n\). The commission will therefore use \(X=x\) to draw some inference about the population parameter \(\theta\).

Such an inference could be of the form of:

Generally speaking, such inference will be made by specifying some probability model: \[ p(x|\theta) \] which determines the probability of how different values of \(X\) are distributed, given a particular value of \(\theta\).

In our forestry example, we have two possible outcomes (diseased or not diseased). So the appropriate probability model is the binomial function: \[ X|\theta \sim \textrm{Bin}(n,\theta) \]

One method of estimating the value of \(\theta\) is to maximise the likelihood of \(X=x\) with respect to \(\theta\). We will look at this more later, but in the simplest terms we are finding the value of \(\theta\) that is most likely to produce the observed distribution of \(X=x\). In this case, we have the maximum likelihood estimate of \(\theta\).

In this case, the parameter \(\theta\) is being treated as a constant. This is the cornerstone of classical statistical theory.

Bayesian Inference

The fundamental difference between Classical and Bayesian statistics is that, in Bayesian statistical inference, \(\theta\) is treated as a random quantity. This means that inference can be made by analysing probabilities alone.

Bayesian Inference is based on the concept of the posterior probability distribution: \[ p(\theta|x) \]

We obtain the posterior probability distribution via Bayes Rule, which we have already seen during our discussion of conditional probability: \[ p(\theta|x)=\frac{p(x|\theta)p(\theta)}{p(x)}, \] where the denominator in this equation: \[ p(x)=\int p(\theta)p(x|\theta)\textrm{d}\theta \] is the probability of observing the data \(x\), is independent of \(\theta\) for a fixed \(x\), and can be considered a constant.

The unnormalised posterior density is Bayes Rule without this constant denominator: \[ p(\theta|x)\propto p(\theta)p(x|\theta) \]

The value conditional probability of observing the data given the model \(p(x|\theta)\) is as we showed before in the classical inference.

And most importantly:

\(p(\theta)\) is the prior probability distribution, which represents the beliefs that we have about the possible values of \(\theta\) prior to observing any information (i.e. from the data).

Prior Distribution

When trying to estimate \(\theta\), we almost always have some prior knowledge, or belief, about the value of \(\theta\) before taking any data into consideration.

Take, for example, the case of a data model \(X|\theta\sim \textrm{Bin}(n=10,p=\theta)\), and observations (i.e. number of successful trials out of \(n\)) \(x=10\). Given these observations and the data model alone, we would reject the hypothesis \(\textrm{H}_0: \theta\leq 0.5\) in favour of \(\textrm{H}_1: \theta \geq 0.5\) with certainty. Said differently, the maximum likelihood of \(p(x|\theta)\) in the classical inference sense is \(\theta=1\).

This might not seem like an issue a priori, however this is where we start to reflect on the outcomes of our three scenarios from the beginning of the lecture.

Back to the pub…

We had three scenarios that we considered. They were:

Scenario One: The Drunken Coin Toss

One friend announces to the group that he spent lockdown teaching himself how to predict the future. He proudly announces that not only can he predict everyone’s future, but he can also see the outcomes of any event before it happens. The group challenges him to prove it, by correctly predicting the outcome of a fair coin toss \(10\) times in a row.

Scenario Two: The Wine Critic

A second friend says that he spent the lockdown “learning how to be a wine critic”. You suppose that it’s possible that he spent a year studying the fine details of wine production, or perhaps this is just be a euphemism for “I drank lots of cheap wine during the lockdown”… The group challenges him to prove his skills, by correctly identifying whether an unlabelled glass of wine comes from a vineyard in France or Spain \(10\) times in a row.

Scenatio Three: The Classical Pianist

A third friend says that she spent the lockdown re-learning how to play classical piano. She says that she had learned to play classical piano as a child, and the long time in lockdown gave her the perfect opportunity to renew her passion for playing. The group challenges her to prove it, but alas there is no piano in the bar. Therefore they decide to test her knowledge by challenging her to correctly identify whether a piece of classical music is by Beethoven or Mozart \(10\) times in a row.

The classical interpretation

Each of these scenarios presents the same binomial experiment, with the same outcome: \(X|\theta\sim \textrm{Bin}(10,\theta)\) and \(x=10\).

Based on these data alone, we would be forced to draw the same conclusion in each case; \(\theta=1\). However our prior beliefs are likely to be somewhat at odds with this result. In classical inference this is of no consequence, however in Bayesian inference this can have a significant influence over our conclusions…

What did Angus’ graphs look like?

For my starting graphs, I produced the below distributions for what I expected the outcomes of the challenges to be. You can tell from my graphs that I’m a pretty all-or-nothing kind of gambler…

#Set up the axes
magplot(1,xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,20),xlab="fractional chance of success",ylab="PDF",
        type='n',frame.plot=FALSE,labels=c(T,T),main='All Scenarios')

These graphs represent our prior on \(\theta\) in each of the three scenarios.

Look back on your priors now. How do they compare with mine? Perhaps you’re much more open to the possibility that your friend can actually see into the future? Or perhaps you have no idea about wine, and so had no idea if it was hard or difficult to tell the difference between bottles from France and Spain?

Importantly, there are no wrong answers. The graphs you’ve drawn are your prior belief.

Opinions about the results

The prior that you specified (provided you did so honestly) is likely to be highly related to how you felt about the outcomes of the different challenges. This is highly related to your second set of graphs. That is, how much did your graphs change after you heard about the outcomes of the challenges. For me, my graphs looked like this:

#Set up the axes
magplot(1,xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,8),xlab="fractional chance of success",ylab="PDF",
        type='n',frame.plot=FALSE,labels=c(T,T),main='All Scenarios')

So you can see that:

On your graphs we wrote the \(x\)-axis as “fraction chance that they’re telling the truth”, but this is really no different from “fractional chance that they succeed in another round of the challenge”.

Bayesian Inference and the Prior

What we’ve just drawn on the last slide (and on your own pages) is essentially your prior belief on the outcome of the challenge, and the resulting posterior probability distribution after observing the data.

This is the important part:

Every one of you was presented with the same data. However you all had different prior distributions. This means that you will all have different posterior distributions too.

The essential basis of Bayesian inference is that experiments are not abstract devices. Invariably we have some knowledge about the process being investigated before we observe any data, and Bayesian statistics provides us with a mechanism for drawing inference from this combination of prior knowledge and data.

Characteristics of Bayesian Statistics

We can identify four fundamental aspects that characterise the Bayesian approach to statistical inference.

Prior Information

All problems are unique to having their own context. That context derives prior information, and it is the formulation and exploitation of this prior knowledge that sets Bayesian statistics apart from Classical statistics.

Subjective Probability

Bayesian Statistics formalises explicitly the notion that all probabilities are subjective; based on an individuals prior knowledge and the knowledge at hand.


By treating \(\theta\) as a random variable, it emerges that the whole development of Bayesian inference stems from probability theory only. This means that all statistical inference issues can be addressed as probability statements about \(\theta\), which we can derive directly from the posterior distribution.

No “adhockery”

Bayesian inference side-steps the tendency (in classical statistics and inference) to invent ad-hoc criteria for judging and comparing estimators (point estimates, confidence intervals, etc), by relying on the posterior distribution itself to express (in straightforward probabilistic terms) the entire inference about an unknown \(\theta\).

Review of Bayes Theorem (I)

In its basic form, Bayes Theorem is a simple result of conditional probabilities. Indeed, this is how we first came to discover it a few of lectures ago. If \(A\) and \(B\) are two events with \(P(A)>0\), then: \[ P(B|A)=\frac{P(A|B)P(B)}{P(A)} \]

The use of Bayes Theorem in probability applications is to reverse the conditioning of events. That is, to show how the probability of \(B|A\) is related to \(A|B\).

A slight extension of Bayes Theorem is obtained by conditioning events \(C_1, \dots, C_k\), which partition the sample space \(\Omega\) so that \(C_i\cap C_j = 0\) if \(i\neq j\), and \(C_1\cup C_2\cup \dots \cup C_k = \Omega\). In this circumstance the computation of Bayes Theorem becomes: \[ P(C_i|A)=\frac{P(A|C_i)P(C_i)}{\sum_{j=0}^k P(A|C_j)P(C_j)}\;\;\;\;\forall\;i=1,\dots,k \]

This formulation is useful because it allows us to consider simple experiments in order to explore the details of Bayes Theorem.

Return of the Urn

Consider an urn that contains six balls of unknown colours. Three balls are drawn at random without replacement, and all are found to be black. What is the probability that there are no black balls left in the urn?

Let \(A\) be the event that \(3\) black balls are drawn from the urn, and \(C_i\) be the event that there are truly \(i\) black balls in the urn.

By Bayes Theorem: \[ P(C_3|A)=\frac{P(A|C_3)P(C_3)}{\sum_{j=0}^6 P(A|C_j)P(C_j)} \] The probability \(P(A|C_3)\) is simple to calculate: \[ P(A|C_3) = \frac{3}{6}\times\frac{2}{5}\times\frac{1}{4} \] However the crucial issue is this:

What values do we assign to \(P(C_0),\dots,P(C_6)\). Remember that these are our prior beliefs about there being \(i\) black balls in the bag prior to seeing any data.

Without any additional information, we might logically assume that all outcomes are equally likely: \[ P(C_i)=\frac{1}{k} \] where \(k=7\) (because there are 7 possible outcomes; \(C_0,C_1,\dots,C_6\)).

Using this prior: \[ \begin{align} P(C_3|A)=& \frac{P(A|C_3)P(C_3)}{\sum_{j=0}^{6}P(A|C_j)P(C_j)} \\ =& \frac{\left(\frac{3}{6}\times\frac{2}{5}\times\frac{1}{4}\right)\times\frac{1}{7}} {\frac{1}{7}\times\left[0+0+0+ \left(\frac36\times\frac25\times\frac14\right)+ \left(\frac46\times\frac35\times\frac24\right)+ \left(\frac56\times\frac45\times\frac34\right)+ 1 \right]} \\ &=\frac{1}{35} \end{align} \]

So the data have updated our prior belief from \(P(C_3)=\frac{1}{7}\) to \(P(C_3|A)=\frac{1}{35}\). Put in words, the event that there is only \(3\) black balls in the Urn is much less likely having seen the data than we believed it to be previously.

Review of Bayes Theorem (II)

As we mentioned previously, stated in terms of random variables (with probability densities generally denoted by \(p\)) Bayes Theorem then takes the form: \[ p(\theta|x)=\frac{p(x|\theta)p(\theta)}{\int p(\theta)p(x|\theta)\textrm{d}\theta}. \]

This is the notation that we will use regardless of whether \(x\) is a continuous random variable or discrete. As per normal, when \(x\) is a continuous random variable \(p\) will represent the probability density function (pdf) of \(x\), whereas when \(x\) is a discrete random variable \(p\) will refer to the probability mass function (pmf) of \(x\).

Similarly, \(\theta\) can be continuous or discrete, but in the discrete case the integral in the denominator becomes the summation that we’ve already encountered: \[ \sum_j p(\theta_j)p(x|\theta_j). \]

Note that the denominator of Bayes Theorem marginalises over \(\theta\) (and so is only a function of \(x\)). Therefore for fixed data, Bayes Theorem can be rewritten as the proportionality: \[ p(\theta|x)\propto p(x|\theta)p(\theta) \] That is, the posterior probability is proportional to the prior probability times the likelihood \(p(x|\theta)\).

Bayesian Updating

There are \(4\) key steps in the Bayesian approach:

  1. Specification of the likelihood model \(p(x|\theta)\);
  2. Determination of the prior \(p(\theta)\);
  3. Calculation of the posterior distribution \(p(\theta|x)\); and
  4. Draw inference from the posterior distribution.


Implementing Bayes Theorem in practice can be computationally difficult, often due to the difficulty in determining the normalising integral in the denominator.

For some choices of prior-likelihood combinations this integral can be avoided, but generally speaking specialised techniques are required to simply solve the calculation.

Let’s go back to our three scenarios one last time. My prior distributions were all Beta distributions: \[ \theta\sim\textrm{Be}(\alpha,\beta)\\ p(\theta;\alpha,\beta)=\frac{\Gamma(\alpha) \Gamma(\beta)}{\Gamma(\alpha+\beta)}\theta^{\alpha-1}(1-\theta)^{\beta-1}, \] For the three different scenarios, my three prior distributions were: \[ \theta_1\sim\textrm{Be}(\alpha=0.1,\beta=100)\\ \theta_2\sim\textrm{Be}(\alpha=0.7,\beta=1)\\ \theta_3\sim\textrm{Be}(\alpha=10,\beta=0.5)\\ \]

#Set up the axes
        type='n',frame.plot=FALSE,labels=c(T,T),main='All Scenarios')

The likelihood function that we were looking at for these scenarios were all the same Binomial distribution: \[ X\sim\textrm{Bin}(n,\theta) \\ p(X=x|\theta)={n\choose x}\theta^x(1-\theta)^{n-x} \] and the observation was \(x=10\).

We can compute the posterior probability distributions for my three priors both analytically and empirically. Let’s start with the analytic approach.

Our likelihood is of the form: \[ p(x|\theta)={10\choose x}\theta^x(1-\theta)^{10-x} \] My priors are each of the form: \[ \begin{align} p(\theta;\alpha,\beta)&=\frac{\Gamma(\alpha) \Gamma(\beta)}{\Gamma(\alpha+\beta)}\theta^{\alpha-1}(1-\theta)^{\beta-1}\\ &\propto \theta^{\alpha-1}(1-\theta)^{\beta-1} \end{align} \]

Therefore, by Bayes Theorem: \[ \begin{align} p(\theta|x)&\propto p(x|\theta)p(\theta) \\ &\propto\theta^x(1-\theta)^{n-x}\times\theta^{\alpha-1}(1-\theta)^{\beta-1}\\ &=\theta^{x+\alpha-1}(1-\theta)^{n-x+\beta-1} \end{align} \] We know that \(p(\theta|x)\) must be a probability distribution, and this last line has the same functional form as a Beta distribution. Therefore it must be the case that: \[ \theta|x \sim \textrm{Be}(x+\alpha,n+\beta-x) \]

So the effect of observing the data on my priors is to update the Beta distribution parameters from \(\{\alpha,\beta\}\) to \(\{x+\alpha,n+\beta-x\}\). This means that we can simply plot the posterior distributions:

#Set up the axes
        type='n',frame.plot=FALSE,labels=c(T,T),main='All Scenarios')

We can then compare these to my “after” figures, and get an idea as to how-much I am “naturally” thinking like a Bayesian!

#Set up the axes
magplot(1,xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,8),xlab="fractional chance of success",ylab="PDF",
        type='n',frame.plot=FALSE,labels=c(T,T),main='All Scenarios')

So, firstly, this shows that I probably should have been more swayed by the abilities of the fortune teller; or rather that I was subconsciously assigning a much stronger prior than what I actually drew. This is an important point: application of an overly strong (or weak) prior can lead to differences in the posterior that are unexpected. Put simply: I was never going to be convinced that a friend had learnt to see into the future, so the prior I specified was still not strong enough to represent my true prior belief.

We see a similar story for the wine drinker: I was swayed somewhat, but the true posterior is moved by more still.

Finally, my instinct for the musician was about right.

Lessons Learnt

The prior is of pivotal importance in Bayesian Statistics. Here we have \(3\) scenarios with exactly the same data, but the inference that I would draw from the posteriors above are wildly different. And they will be different for each of you as well, depending on how you specified your prior beliefs.

But do not fear: we will start next weeks lecture with an in-depth look at priors.

The three important lessons

There were a few very important points that we covered today in our introduction to Bayesian Statistics, that are important that you understand.

  1. Classical statistical inference is interested in objective likelihoods of observations given a static, constant model \(\theta\). Bayesian statistical inference formalises experiments and inference as a subjective exercise, via the combination of prior information and the objective likelihood.
  2. Given the same data, different priors will lead to wildly different posterior inferences (i.e. the fortune teller vs the classical musician).
  3. Strong prior specification can have important impacts on inference. Over- and under-estimation of the prior probability (especially when there are few observations) can lead to unexpected results.