Introduction to Statistics for Astronomers and Physicists

Section 2d: Random Numbers, Simulation, and Sampling

Dr Angus H Wright


Section 2: Introduction

Section 2: Probability & Decision Making (Weeks 3-5)

For all aspects of modern science, an understanding of probability is required. We cover a range of topics in probability, from decision theory and the fundamentals of probability theory, to standard probabilistic distributions and their origin. From this module, students will gain an insight into different statistical distributions that govern modern observational sciences, the interpretation of these distributions, and how one accurately models distributions of data in an unbiased manner.

Topics include:

  • Decision theory
  • Fundamentals of probability
  • Statistical distributions and their origins

Generating Data

If we want to generate a synthetic dataset, we first need to decide upon the properties of the dataset that we wish to create.

Let’s say we want to create a distribution of data that represents tosses of a fair coin. What properties should that distribution have? What properties should the individual observations have?

Sampling and Simulation

In the empirical sciences we are frequently interested in generating samples from various distributions, be this for Monte Carlo simulations or parameter estimation and model exploration (more on this later).

Whatever the application, the role of sampling and simulation is to generate various which have the statistical properties of some specified model or target distribution. This naturally leads to two questions:

  • How can this be done?
  • How can this be done efficiently?

To some extent, we only really care about the former case. However efficiency can often lead to insight about a statistical model itself, in addition to saving on time and/or CPU resources.

Generating Data

If we want to generate a synthetic dataset, we first need to decide upon the properties of the dataset that we wish to create.

Let’s say we want to create a distribution of data that represents tosses of a fair coin. What properties should that distribution have? What properties should the individual observations have?

  • Bimodal with only two possible values (i.e. Binomial)
  • Equal chance of both outcomes
  • Independence of the observations

Random Numbers

Truly random numbers follow no predictable sequence and have no periodicity. Generally speaking, true randoms numbers can only be generated from truly random processes, which we can observe and use as a means of generating random numbers.

Examples of truly random processes include thermal noise and quantum mechanical processes.

There exist modern tools to produce truly random numbers, should they be required for simulation or other purposes. An example is the R qrandom package, which generates truly random numbers by querying an experiment that continuously monitors the quantum fluctuations of a vacuum chamber at the Australian National University. See their website here.

The vacuum is described very differently in the quantum physics and classical physics. In classical physics, a vacuum is considered as a space that is empty of matter or photons. Quantum physics however says that that same space resembles a sea of virtual particles appearing and disappearing all the time. This is because the vacuum still possesses a zero-point energy. Consequently, the electromagnetic field of the vacuum exhibits random fluctuations in phase and amplitude at all frequencies. By carefully measuring these fluctuations, we are able to generate ultra-high bandwidth random numbers.

We can query their experiment and produce a sequence of truly random numbers using the qrandom function:

#True random numbers in R
## [1]  76  22  62 191 162

However, requiring an internet link to Australia for your project may seem like overkill, and querying such an experiment takes time. So in practice, we will essentially always settle for using a sequence of numbers that looks very much like random numbers, but which are not.

Pseudo-random numbers

Computers are (currently) deterministic machines. That is, they will always produce the same output from the same input. This means that they are inherently incapable of generating ‘truly’ random numbers.

However, given the importance that random numbers play in scientific computing and the natural sciences, sophisticated algorithms have been developed that allow deterministic machines to generate finite sequences of numbers that appear, for all mathematical intents and purposes, to be truly random. These are called pseudo-random numbers.

Pseudo-random numbers are statistically random over a finite sequence, but are nonetheless deterministic. That means that they will always follow the same sequence given the same starting point. We can show this in practice by performing random draws after resetting the starting point, called the random seed:

#Pseudo-random numbers in R
#Set the seed value to be 666
#Generate 5 random numbers on [1,256]
## [1] 198.46397  51.29217 250.39353  52.33847  93.11733
#Generate another 5 random numbers on [1,256]
## [1] 190.366045 250.575752 128.018996   4.395538  67.286263
#But if we reset the seed...
#and generate 5 random numbers on [1,256] again
#we get the same numbers that we started with
## [1] 198.46397  51.29217 250.39353  52.33847  93.11733

Algorithms which generate pseudo-random numbers are frequently complex, but nonetheless we can demonstrate their basis simply using one of the earliest pseudo-random number generators: the linear-congruential generator.

Suppose we wish to generate a sequence of pseudo-random numbers with a dynamic range of \(2^{16}\) (i.e. the \(16\)-bit integers). The linear congruential method proceeds as follows:

\(m\), \(a\), and \(b\) are integers, and \(x_0\) is the starting (‘seed’) value with the requirement that \[0\leq x_0 \leq m-1\]. We can define a sequence of pseudo-random numbers using the recursion relation:

\[ x_{k+1} = (ax_k+b)\bmod m \] where \(x\bmod y\) refers to the modulus of \(x\) and \(y\). This generates a sequence where \(0\leq x_k \leq m-1\).

We can code this up trivially, of course, but must be careful about the choice of \(a\), \(b\), and \(m\). For example, naively picking two random integers for \(a\) and \(b\) (let’s say \(7\) and \(59\)), choosing \(2^{16}\) for our \(m\), and a seed value of \(x_0=666\) produces the below distribution of ‘random’ numbers:

As you can see, many of these choices lead to catastrophic failures of the generator. Others lead to random numbers with considerable periodicity (which leads to spikes in returned histogram).

However, choosing the \(a\) and \(b\) factors wisely can lead to very reasonable behaviour. We can choose two prime numbers, and find something that seems to work reasonably well:

In practice, both R and python have much more complex random number generators available (within base R and numpy respectively).

The pseudo-random number generator that is the default in R, for example, is the so-called “Mersenne-Twister” generator. If we compare this to our estimates from the LC method (with primes), we get the below (for \(10^{4}\) random uniform numbers on \([0,255]\)): The two methods look quite comparable in this histogram; in fact, one might be inclined to say that the LC random numbers are better, because the distribution is flatter… but is that the case? Do true random numbers have structure?

We can check! Here’s how the MT algorithm compares to the true random numbers that we get from the ANU quantum vacuum experiment:

So the MT algorithm seems to be doing a sensible job here in terms of the amount of structure in the random numbers.

Something that is more important, but which you can’t see from these histograms, is how the behaviour of the two algorithms in terms of their period is very different. The LC generator that we’ve constructed has a maximum period of \(m\) if and only if the parameters \(a\) and \(b\) are chosen to satisfy some specific requirements. The Mersenne-Twister algorithm, however, has a period of \(2^{19937} - 1\); functionally infinite for the essentially all applications.

Random Variables

The primary use of random numbers in statistics is in the generation of random variables.

Throughout this course already we have frequently created datasets that follow one or many of the statistical distributions from the last chapter. Generally this has been with the goal of demonstrating some statistical property, such as the behaviour of the distributions themselves, or some statistical property.

For this purpose, we generally want to construct realisations of a variable as if it were drawn from a truly random process that has the underlying PDF that we are interested in.

Independent and Identically Distributed

Realisations of data which are random (which by definition makes them independent) and which follow the PDF of a given target distribution are said to be independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) observations. This is a term that we will see frequently over the remained of the course, particularly whenever we discuss simulation of data from a particular distribution.

However there are also other reasons that one may want to generate random realisations of data, beyond just wanting to have ‘fake data’. Random variables can be a useful tool for discovering insight about distributions and statistics. An example is Monte Carlo integration, which uses distributions of random variables to derive an empirical estimate of an integral. We’ll discuss this in a few slides time.

What is simulation?

Simulation is an attempt to generate a deterministic sequence of numbers that cannot be distinguished from true random variables by any appropriate statistical test.

Put simply: it is the method of generating i.i.d. observations from some target distribution.

There are many ways to generate i.i.d. observations provided that we have access to random (or pseudo-random) numbers. For almost all standard distributions, in fact, tools to perform these random draws are standard in both R and python. For such distributions we don’t need to try anything clever, we can just use what we’ve been provided directly.

Direct Sampling

For standard/analytic distributions, there are frequently tools available for direct sampling. These are available in both R and python. Indeed, we have used these extensively over the course of this lecture series already.

Below we demonstrate a (far from complete) series of examples for random sampling functions in R and python.

Binomial Distribution

#in R
## [1] 1 0 0
#in python 
import numpy as np
## array([1, 0, 0])

Uniform Distribution

#in R
## [1] 34.45401 22.45004 25.61125
#in python 
import numpy as np
## array([21.22211307, 44.95266677, 24.85481142])

Gaussian Distribution

#in R
## [1] 10.66597 14.60777 12.73638
#in python 
import numpy as np
## array([15.05792959, 11.163046  ,  8.63787598])

Beta Distribution

#in R
## [1] 0.1739278 0.2475732 0.1340271
#in python 
import numpy as np
## array([0.31408747, 0.16438997, 0.12449657])

Gamma Distribution

#in R
## [1]  7.938579  7.899424 11.600961
#in python 
import numpy as np
## array([12.99971747,  8.96552864, 13.46967485])

And many many more

Inversion Sampling

We are able to sample/simulate from an arbitrary univariate distribution perfectly using the inversion sampling method, provided that we are able to generate random observations from a uniform distribution \(u\sim U(0,1)\).

We start with our i.i.d. random variable \(u\), drawn from the uniform distribution with density: \[ f(u)= \begin{cases} 1&\textrm{if}\,\,\,u\in[0,1] \\ 0&\textrm{otherwise} \end{cases} \]

If our target function is \(F\), such that i.i.d. observations from this distribution are \(X\sim F\), then \(F(X)\sim U(0,1)\). This is known as the probability integral transformation (or PIT).

This means that we can use the inversion of \(F\), \(F^{-1}\), to generate samples directly from F given a uniform random variable:

\[ U\sim U(0,1)\\ F^{-1}(U)\sim F \]

It’s easiest to understand how this works in practice. Let’s construct an arbitrary piecewise function, and then generate random samples from it. Our piecewise function is: \[ p(x)\propto \begin{cases} X\sim N(3,1) & 1\leq x < 2.5 \\ X\sim U(1.5,3) & 2.5\leq x\leq3 \\ X\sim N(3.5,0.2) & 3<x\leq4 \\ X\sim U(4,5) & 4\leq x \leq 5 \\ 0 & \textrm{otherwise} \end{cases} \]

The functional form of this piecewise function is shown in the figure below.

compfunc<-function(x) { 
  vals[which(x>=1 & x<2.5)]<-dnorm(x[which(x>=1&x<2.5)],3,1)
  vals[which(x>=2.5 & x<=3)]<-dunif(x[which(x>=2.5&x<=3)],1.5,3)
  vals[which(x>3 & x<=4)]<-dnorm(x[which(x>3&x<=4)],3.5,0.2)
  vals[which(x>=4 & x<=5)]<-dunif(x[which(x>=4&x<=5)],4,5)

We can see that the distribution is a bit of a roller-coaster, with discontinuities and various different functions mixed into one. However the function is univariate and invertible, which means that we can sample directly from it using inversion sampling.

## Warning in regularize.values(x, y, ties, missing(ties), na.rm = na.rm): collapsing to unique 'x'
## values

Therefore, if you function is univariate and invertible, then inversion sampling is an excellent (zero-loss!) method for simulating/sampling from the distribution.

Rejection Sampling

There are often cases, however, where the function that we want to sample is not univariate and/or is not invertible. In this regime, we need a different method for generating samples from the distribution. Fortunately, with our trusty \(U\sim U(0,1)\) random samples, this is still possible.

The basis of rejection sampling is to simulate data from a distribution that is easy to sample from, but to only accept those simulated observations with some probability \(p\).

By choosing \(p\) correctly, we can ensure that the sequence of accepted values are i.i.d. draws from the desired distribution.

Suppose our piecewise function from last slide were not invertible. We can bound this function by a rectangle and simulate points \(\{x_i,y_i\}\) uniformly over the rectangle. We then reject points that do not lie under the curve \(f(x)\). The \(x\)-coordinates of the remaining points will then be samples from \(f(x)\).

legend('topright',legend=c("Target Distribution", "Bounding Rectangle", "Samples"), 

The algorithm is simple, and proceeds as follows:

  1. Simulate \(X\sim g(x)\)
  2. Simulate \(Y\sim U(y_0,y_1)\)
  3. If \(Y\leq f(X)\): accept \(X\) as a sample

Using the above to generate samples from our piecewise function we have:

legend('topright',legend=c("Target Distribution", "Bounding Rectangle", 
                           'Rejected Samples', "Accepted Samples",'Sampled PDF'), 

The efficiency of this model depends primarily on how many points are rejected, and therefore on the appropriateness of the bounding rectangle. As we can see in our example, we reject a lot of data points, especially at low values of \(x\).

Adaptive Rejection Sampling

To improve the efficiency of the rejection sampling method, we can utilise a non-rectangular space in which we generate our initial samples. Furthermore, if we want to sample from distributions which are unbounded (i.e. which don’t have nice hard boundaries like our piecewise function) we cannot use a rectangular bounding box.

We can therefore modify the rejection sampling method to permit the bounding function to take on any functional form \(Kg(x)\), where \(g(x)\) is the density distribution of any function that we can easily simulate from and \(K\) is some scaling constant.

In this form, the adaptive rejection sampling algorithm takes the form:

  1. Simulate \(X\sim g(x)\)
  2. Simulate \(Y\sim U(0,Kg(X)\)
  3. If \(Y\leq f(X)\); accept \(X\) as a sample

Again, we can demonstrate this with our piecewise function. Our piecewise function is right-skewed and resides on a fixed range, which makes it perfect to be enclosed by a Beta function.

legend('topright',legend=c("Target Distribution", "Bounding Be(X/5.5;3,2)", 
                           'Rejected Samples', "Accepted Samples",'Sampled PDF'), 

We can see here that, because we’ve rejected fewer samples, the quality of the PDF is better given the same number of simulated points.

The reason that this works is as follows:

Let \(X\) be a random variable from any distribution \(g(x)\), such that \(f(x)\leq Kg(x)\,\forall x\) for some value \(K\). Let \(h(x)=f(x)/Kg(x)\) be the probability that \(x\) is accepted.

Then: \[ P(X\leq x \cap X\,\textrm{accepted}) = \int_{-\infty}^x g(y)h(y)\textrm{d}y \] and \[ P(X\,\textrm{accepted}) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} g(y)h(y)\textrm{d}y \] Recall the definition of conditional probability:

So \[ \begin{align} P(X\leq x | X\,\textrm{accepted}) &= \frac{\int_{-\infty}^x g(y)h(y)\textrm{d}y}{\int_{-\infty}^\infty g(y)h(y)\textrm{d}y}\\ &= \frac{\int_{-\infty}^x f(y)\textrm{d}y}{\int_{-\infty}^\infty f(y)\textrm{d}y} \\ \end{align} \]

So the accepted values have the PDF \(f\). Furthermore: \[ \begin{align} P(X\,\textrm{accepted}) &= \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} g(y)h(y)\textrm{d}y \\ &=\frac{1}{K} \end{align} \] so the probability that a source will be accepted, and thereby the efficiency of the method, is determined by how well \(f(x)\) and \(Kg(x)\) agree. If a large value of \(K\) is required, then the acceptance probability will be low.

Monte Carlo Simulations

Another widely used application of sampling and simulation (which is related to rejection sampling) is so-called Monte Carlo integration.

Take a simple example: estimating the value of \(\pi\). We can start with a unit square, and generate i.i.d. uniform observations of \(X\) and \(Y\): \[ X,Y\sim U(-1.5,1.5) \] We can compute the number of \(\{X_i,Y_i\}\) pairs that reside within the unit circle. The number of sources in the circle is related to integral of the circle over \([-1.5,1.5]\), which is equal to \(pi\).

So, we can use the ratio of the number of samples with \(X_i^2+Y_i^2\leq1^2\) to the total number of random uniform samples as an estimate of the integral: \[ \pi=\int_{-1.5}^{1.5}\int_{-1.5}^{1.5} x^2+y^2\,\textrm{d}x\textrm{d}y \]

The accuracy of this is related to the number of accepted samples. So if we shrink down the volume:

More rigorously, Monte Carlo integration involves the approximation of a multi-dimensional integral using a non-deterministic approach (as opposed to area-under-curve approximations using, e.g., the trapezoidal rule).

Given some multi-dimensional integral \(I\) defined over some parameter space \(\Omega\): \[ I=\int_\Omega f(\tilde{x})\textrm{d}\tilde{x}_{} \] The volume of \(\Omega\) is: \[ V=\int_\Omega \textrm{d}\tilde{x}_{}. \] The Monte Carlo simulation approach then simulates random variables \(X\) over \(\Omega\), and approximates the integral as: \[ \begin{align} I&\approx\frac{V}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N}{f(\tilde{x})}_{}\\ &=V\mathbb{E}[f(\tilde{x})] \end{align} \]

In the case of our estimate of \(\pi\), our function \(f(\tilde{x})\) is defined as: \[ f(\tilde{x})= \begin{cases} 1 & \textrm{if}\,\, x_1^2+x_2^2\leq 1\\ 0 & \textrm{otherwise} \end{cases} \] The Volume of our parameter space is \(\Omega = {U(-1.5,1.5),U(1.5,1.5)}\): \[ \begin{align} V&=\int_{-1.5}^{1.5}\int_{-1.5}^{1.5} \textrm{d}x\textrm{d}y \\ &=9 \end{align} \] Which gives our integral estimate: \[ I\approx\frac{9}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N}{f(\tilde{x})}_{}. \]

We can also use Monte Carlo simulation to estimate distribution expectations for complex systems which may not have well defined analytic expectations, even if the distribution is unbounded. Put simply, if we can generate Monte Carlo samples from the distribution, then we can estimate the expectation and variance from those samples.

For example, what is the mean and standard deviation of our piecewise function?

legend('topright',legend=c("Target Distribution",'Sampled PDF','Sample Expectation','True Mean'), 

Next Week’s Lecture

I will be travelling next week, and so instead of a live lecture in this timeslot we will be using the inverted classroom philosophy. This means that:

  • I will post the pre-recorded lecture on the Moodle page at the start of the week.
  • You must watch the lecture in your own time before our normal lecture slot.
  • We will then meet during our normal lecture time to host a \(\sim 1 hour\) discussion session about the lecture.

For the inverted classroom to work well, it is crucial that you come prepared with questions.

What’s it on?

Next weeks lecture is, I think, one of the most interesting in the entire course. It is our first lecture in Section 3: Bayesian Statistics. In this lecture, I will go through the basics of Bayesian Statistics, how it differs from Frequentist Statistics, and we will begin to explore some of the most important aspects of the theory, such as prior specification.