Introduction to Statistics for Astronomers and Physicists

Section 0: Course Format and Outline, and a Crash Course in R and Python

Dr Angus H Wright


Welcome and Introduction

Welcome to the Introduction to Statistics for Astronomers and Physicists course for the Summer Semester 2022.

Course Philosophy

This course is designed to be a practical introduction to statistics for astronomers and physicists who are starting their research careers and have had little (or perhaps no) previous education in statistics and statistical data analysis. The course (and these lecture notes) are not designed to be a statistics reference text. Rather the material presented here is designed to guide students on a suitable path towards robust data analysis and research.

The course will present many aspects of data analysis that are widely relevant to modern astronomy and physics. We will borrow heavily from standard statistical problems and thought experiments in an effort to convey important points, and demonstrate common statistical and logical fallacies. Problems will almost always be explored using a mixture of tools simultaneously: plain English, math, computer code, graphs, and more.

Course Outline

This course will be taught in 4 parts, each spanning from 2-4 weeks

Section 1: Data Description, Analysis, and Modelling (Weeks 1-2)

When working in empirical science, modelling and understanding datasets is paramount. In this module we start by discussing the fundamentals of data modelling. We start by discussing theories of point and interval estimation, in the context of summary statics (e.g. expectation values, confidence intervals), and estimation of data correlation and covariance. Students will learn the fundamentals of data mining and analysis, in a way that is applicable to all physical sciences.

Topics include:

Section 2: Probability & Decision Making (Weeks 3-5)

For all aspects of modern science, an understanding of probability is required. We cover a range of topics in probability, from decision theory and the fundamentals of probability theory, to standard probabilistic distributions and their origin. From this module, students will gain an insight into different statistical distributions that govern modern observational sciences, the interpretation of these distributions, and how one accurately models distributions of data in an unbiased manner.

Topics include:

Section 3: Bayesian Statistics (Weeks 6-8)

Bayes theorem led to a revolution in statistics, via the concepts of prior and posterior evidence. In modern astronomy and physics, applications of Bayesian statistics are widespread. We begin with a study of Bayes theorem, and the fundamental differences between frequentest and Bayesian analysis. We explore applications of Bayesian statistics, through well studied statistical problems (both within and outside of physics).

Topics include:

Section 4: Parameter Simulation, Optimisation, and Analysis (Weeks 9-12)

We apply our understanding of Bayesian statistics to the common problems of parameter simulation, optimisation, and inference. Students will learn the fundamentals of Monte Carlo Simulation, Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) analysis, hypothesis testing, and quantifying goodness-of-fit. We discuss common errors in parameter inference, including standard physical and astrophysical biases that corrupt statistical analyses.

Topics include:


Slides and lecture notes for this course are prepared in Rmarkdown, and provided to you after the lectures.

The utility of Rmarkdown is that it allows running execution of code chunks alongside markdown-style text, in a wide array of languages, including R, python, bash, Rcpp, javascript, and more. This allows us to present examples in multiple languages easily within one document. For example, if I want to plot a function, I can do so:

#in R
#or in python
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Information generated and stored within blocks is persistent, and code-blocks with different engines can also cross-communicate. This means that, for example, we can:
#Create some data in R
#E.g. random draws from f~N(0,1)
#Default plot in R
#and access it directly in python


In addition to the lecture notes and slides, all students can post on-the-fly questions about the materials via slido. To access slido, you simply scan the QR code with your smartphone camera or join at using the event ID listed in the window.

Once you are connected to the event, you simply post your questions whenever you like. You should all try to ask as many questions as you like! The reasons that this will work best when you ask as many questions as possible are:

So ask whenever and about whatever you think is relevant/interesting/unclear. The more the better!

Learning Objectives

Each lecture begins and ends with the list of the “Learning Objectives” for that class. This is useful for your study, and hopefully also useful for you to keep a clear picture in your mind of what you will learn in each week of the course.

The exception is this lecture: the contents of this introductory lecture are not examinable, rather they are designed to help with your understanding throughout the course.

An example of the Learning Objectives for a later lecture are given here:

Learning Objectives: Summarising relationships in 2D

Understand graphical methods of exploring observations in two or more variables, such as:

Understand the concepts of:

Be able to describe the construction of a covariance/correlation matrix

Understand the differences between Pearson and Spearman Correlation, and describe the uses of each.

Understand the limitations of correlation measures, and the logical fallacy of correlation and causation.

Understand the concept of confounding variables and their role in correlation.

Lecture Notes, Slides

The lecture notes for the course, as well as the slides, are available via the website of the lecturer:

The lecture notes are available in HTML format, and are directly viewable in the browser by clicking on the relevant link. If you would like to follow-along with the lectures, you can also find “long-form” slides on the website (which are different from the presentation slides that I show in the actual lectures).

Statistics and Computing

This is a lecture course on Statistics and Statistical methods; so why do we care about computer code?!

It is of course possible to discuss statistics entirely on-paper. However using computer code allows us to explore practical statistics in real time, rather than limiting ourselves purely to equations and diagrams (Full disclosure: We will use these a lot in this course too!).

Additionally (and probably more importantly) the goal of this course is for you to learn how to apply statistics to the problems that you will encounter over the course of your academic careers; and to do so properly. Therefore, an entirely on-paper statistics course isn’t likely to be overly useful. My goal is for you to be able to leave this course with the skills to actually apply these concepts in real-life applications without difficulty.

Why do we need programming?

Modern physics and astronomy requires an understanding of programming. From theoreticians writing models to experimentalists writing analysis pipelines, most physicists and astronomers will use read, write, or use a computer program every day.

An excellent example of this is the N-body simulation. In 1941, Erik Holmberg performed the first simulations of colliding galaxies, 20 years prior to a famous work by Sebastian von Hoerner that established the field (and name) N-body Simulations.

von Hoerner 1960

Holmberg 1941

Holmberg’s work was exceptional for a number of reasons, but has become famous because of how it was completed. Holmberg simulated the collisions of rotating spiral galaxies:

Holmberg 1941

And generated tidal disruption features that are now seen commonly in merging spiral galaxies:

merger simulation

The surprise? His work was computed entirely by hand. Holmberg used arrangements of lightbulbs to simulate groups of stars, and photometers to compute the gravitational pull of all mass-elements on each-other per unit time.

Holmberg Blub arrangement

Of course nowadays we can run a simulation like this in seconds on any laptop (or smartphone, if you really want to!). This allows measurements to be more accurate, more detailed, and more reproducible. All of these are fundamental to modern natural science.

Reproducing Holmberg in 2021

Holmberg 1941

Holmberg 1941

But “Scalability” is the main benefit

Modern Science and the Requirement of Programming

The ubiquitousness of programming in the modern physical sciences is linked to the important role that statistics plays in these fields. Modern science is increasingly reliant on large and/or complex datasets, which fundamentally must be analysed using modern statistical methods. A classic example is model optimisation (which we will cover in detail in this course): let us take a relatively simple dataset that we know follows a generic beta distribution, and attempt to model this dataset using a function containing 2 parameters:

\[\begin{equation} \begin{gathered} Y = {\rm Beta}(X, \alpha,\beta) + {\rm noise} \\ 0\leq X \leq 1 \\ \alpha, \beta \in [0,\infty) \end{gathered} \end{equation}\]

One might be inclined to attempt to fit a model to these data by-hand, using trial and error:

Using this approach we can get a reasonable fit with \(\alpha=2.8,\beta=6.7\):

But is this solution near the truth? How close is good enough? And what are the uncertainties on the parameters? These are all important in modern science, and they are precisely the sort of questions/problems that computers/programs are designed to tackle. With just one command, we can use R/python to reach a more accurate solution, in a fraction of the time.

#Estimate parameters using Nonlinear Least Squares (nls) in R 
fit_R=nls(y~dbeta(x,alpha,beta), #The function to fit
          data=list(x=x,y=y),    #The data 
          start=list(alpha=2,beta=5), #The initial guess
          algorithm='port',      #The algorithm 
          lower=c(0,0))          #The lower bounds
#Estimate parameters using scipy.optimize.curve_fit in python
import scipy.optimize
import scipy.stats
best_py, cov_py = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(
         scipy.stats.beta.pdf, #The function to fit
         r.x, r.y,         #The data
         p0=[2,5],         #The initial guess 
         bounds=(0,np.inf),#The lower and upper bounds
         method='trf')     #The fitting algorithm

Obviously these fits are superior to those which we can reach by-hand in terms of accuracy, effort, and runtime. But the most important benefit is in terms of uncertainty estimation. Statistical computing is important for a wide range of reasons, but arguably the first and most important reason is for the computation of measures of uncertainty.

#Model statistics in R
## Formula: y ~ dbeta(x, alpha, beta)
## Parameters:
##       Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## alpha  3.21166    0.01453   221.0   <2e-16 ***
## beta   7.70586    0.03728   206.7   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.09854 on 998 degrees of freedom
## Algorithm "port", convergence message: both X-convergence and relative convergence (5)

And the equivalent in python:

#Model parameters and covariance in python
## [3.21166224 7.70585894] [[0.00021118 0.00050005]
##  [0.00050005 0.00138966]]

Do I need to know R or python?

Despite what the internet will tell you, today there is very little separating the two languages in terms of functionality. Both languages can be run as a subprocess of the other, both have well developed tools for data analysis and machine learning, and both have a wealth of tutorials and guides to help new users enter the game.

What are python2 and python3?

Like all things, python has different versions. But even beyond basic version changes of the language, occasionally the language itself is altered in some non-trivial way. One such major change to the python language caused a major update: python2 was updated and became python3. That is: python3 code is not compatible with the python2 interpreter, nor vice-versa.

In addition to such major changes, there are also many (still major, but not that major) changes to the code. These create subversions within python2 and python3, such as python2.7, or python3.5, or python3.9.

Importantly: The developers of python officially removed support for all python2 versions a few years ago. As such, there is no reason that someone starting to use python in 2022 should ever use python2. There are very important updates from python2 to python3 that we will discuss later.

For the remainder of this course, whenever I say python I will mean python3.

Focus on whichever suits you best (and understand both if you can)

Any perceived benefit or detriment of the languages will invariably be overwhelmed by whether or not you are able to share and discuss code together with your colleagues. So, this is mostly a case where joining the herd is probably the sensible choice.

What’s the difference between R and Python?


R was originally developed as a statistics and data analysis language, and so many data analysis tools are available natively within base R. Additional tools are available through the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN), which contains over 10k packages that are all required to be fully documented. This means that if you want to perform a particular flavour of statistical analysis, there is a good chance that well developed code already exists within R to do it (or at least to get you started).


python’s strength lies within the its use as a general programming language beyond data analysis. Packages are available to install via conda, and are generally reliable despite (often) a lack of documentation.

What do I use?

Personally I code primarily in R. This is useful for this course, as much of the analysis tools that we will use are available in base R. Nonetheless, as I said above, it is entirely possible to redo much of this analysis in python. Typically the only draw-back to doing so is that the code is longer (most complex models in R can be specified in few lines).

What will you see in this course?

In practice, the vast majority of examples in this course will be programmed in R.

However, I am happy to rewrite examples in python that you think would be particularly useful!

So please let me know which of the examples/problems that we explore during the course that you would like to see written in python, and I will add them to the course notes.

Finally, as you will likely see in the following sections, if you can understand one, then you can probably understand both. In this lecture we will go through some examples of R and python code, so that you have an introduction to the important parts (and can follow along without much trouble).

A Crash Course in R and python

For the remainder of this chapter, we will be going through a crash course in R/python basics. There are many online tools that you can use to teach yourself both of these languages. In this course, you will be seeing a fair bit of R (in particular) but also python. If you are already familiar with python, then this section may be useful as a “Rosetta stone” of sorts. If you are unfamiliar with either language, then this section will hopefully give an introduction to the syntax/methods for using R and/or python.

A few important NBs:

Additionally, I am certainly not a python expert. I have tried to construct the below comparisons/conversions between R and python in the fairest possible manner. If you think that there is a simpler/more efficient/more elegant implementation of any python snippets below (or if something I’ve written is just plain wrong!) then please let me know and I will update the notes accordingly!

The following slides cover:

Installing and loading Libraries

The first important step in using R and python efficiently is to understand how to install and load libraries/packages. These are tools which have been written by a third party and made available for all users to access and use. Both R and python have a plethora of available packages. It is very rare to need to code up a statistical method yourself, as it has most likely already been written (with speed tricks and important checks/balances). Packages in R are installed from within the R session, whereas python packages are installed from the command line with a separate function “pip”:
#within the R session
#Install a packages called "remotes"
#from the _commandline_
#install the numpy package using pip 
pip install numpy
To load these packages into R and python something we’ve already seen a few times:
#in R: load the remotes package
#in python: load numpy
import numpy as np

The “as np” section of the import in python is not required, but it makes using the package in python a lot simpler. This is because python tends to push users towards “object-oriented” programming style, whereas R lends itself naturally to a more “functional” programming style. We’ll discuss what this means later.

In R, packages are available primarily through CRAN. Some packages are available through the separate “Bioconductor” entity, and these must be installed differently (but similarly easily). The “remotes” package that we just installed and subsequently loaded, however, allows us to directly install packages that are on, e.g., github. python has similar functionality within pip:
#in R: load the remotes package
#and install the "Rfits" package 
#from github user ASGR:
#from the commandline
#pip install the django package
pip install git+

Code Structure and Control Functions

An important difference between the python and R languages is the format of the code itself. python imposes strict formatting requirements on the code, whereby blocks of code are linked together via leading whitespaces (i.e. indentation). R imposes no formatting restriction on codeblocks, instead using brackets. This means that R can seem overly verbose with brackets at times. As a demonstration, here is the formatting required for a standard set of control functions that are used in R and python: if, for, and while statements.

#Conditional statements in R
#If statements 
if (condition) { 
  #Evaluate if condition == true
} else { 
  #Evaluate if condition == false

#For statements 
for (var in sequence) { 

#While statements 
while (condition) { 
  #Evaluate until condition == false
#Conditional statements in python
#If statements 
if condition:  
  #Evaluate if condition == true
  #Evaluate if condition == false

#For statements 
for var in sequence:  

#While statements 
while condition: 
  #Evaluate until condition == false

As you can see, the code here looks largely the same for both languages. The key point to understand is that the formatting in the R code block is there by choice, not necessity. This is clearest with nested loops:

#Valid Nested for loops in R 
#Standard nested For loops 
for (col in 1:ncol(mat)) { 
  for (row in 1:col) { 
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    1    1    1
## [2,]    0    1    1
## [3,]    0    0    1
#Without the brackets works...
for (col in 1:ncol(mat)) 
  for (row in 1:col) 
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    2    2    2
## [2,]    0    2    2
## [3,]    0    0    2
#... but only for one line at a time
for (col in 1:ncol(mat)) 
  for (row in 1:col) 
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    0    0    0
## [2,]    0    0    0
## [3,]    0    0    3
#To hammer the point: 
#This works too (but please don't)
for (row in 1:col) { mat[row,col]<-4
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    4    4    4
## [2,]    0    4    4
## [3,]    0    0    4

Conversely python has only one valid format for nested loops:

#Valid Nested for loops in python 
#Standard nested For loops 
for col in range(mat.shape[0]): 
  for row in range(col):  
## array([[0., 1., 1.],
##        [0., 0., 1.],
##        [0., 0., 0.]])

Built-in Functions

One major difference between R and python regards functions that are built into the base language. In R, many statistical and mathematical operations are available within the base language, because of its history/development from the statistics language “S”. As a result, one can do a great many powerful things in base R (i.e. without the need to look for, install, and load additional packages). In python, the majority of the base R functionality can be inherited from three of the most widely used (by physicists and astronomers at least) packages in python: numpy, scipy, and astropy. As a result, most scientific python programs will start by importing one or all of these packages.

We’ve already seen this in practice here, where (for example) we’ve utilised the numpy vectorisation, linear algebra functions, and scipy model optimisation in order to reproduce behaviour that was available in base R. Another important functionality which we hid was the ability to generate data following various statistical distributions. This is core to many statistics applications that we will explore, and so we’ll revisit it now. In the section on “Modern Science and the Requirement of Programming”, we generated data that followed a Beta function: \[ Y = {\rm Beta}(X, \alpha,\beta) + {\rm noise} \] (NB: we will look more into this and other functions later in the course). In R we can generate this data using the suite of Beta distribution functions, which allow the calculation of the density, distribution function, quantile function, and random generation from the function. For example if we want to evaluate the value of a particular beta function (like the one from earlier) at some \(x\) value:

#Return the value of a Beta PDF at x=1
## [1] 1.331313

To do the same in python we need to load the scipy package, and then get the desired function from within it:

#Load the library using the short name "stat"
import scipy
#Return the value we want
## 1.3313131932303182

In python the . indicates access to “attributes” of an object. We’ll see more about this later, but this is important to understand now.

Importantly, we can shortcut some of this at the import stage. For example, if I know that I will only ever use the scipy.stats module and never need anything else from scipy, then I can just import the module that I want:

#Import the stats module 
import scipy.stats as stat
#Use the function 
## 1.3313131932303182

We can even import just a specific function:

#Import the beta function
from scipy.stats import beta 
#Use the function 
## 1.3313131932303182

If we want to see an explanation about the function dbeta in R, then we can launch the help page for that function using the help() command, or just with a leading question mark:

#Documentation for the Beta functions in R
help(dbeta) # or ?dbeta 

As we have noted previously, R has very rigorous standards of documentation for all functions that are present on CRAN and in the base code, including:

The last item is particularly useful, as examples for almost all functions in R can be run by just using the example() function:

#Running examples for functions in R

Documentation for python functions can also be seen in a similar manner, if they exist, which they do for most mainstream functions in some form or another. As in R you use the help() function:

#Documentation for the Beta functions in python
## Help on beta_gen in module scipy.stats._continuous_distns object:
## class beta_gen(scipy.stats._distn_infrastructure.rv_continuous)
##  |  beta_gen(momtype=1, a=None, b=None, xtol=1e-14, badvalue=None, name=None, longname=None, shapes=None, extradoc=None, seed=None)
##  |  
##  |  A beta continuous random variable.
##  |  
##  |  %(before_notes)s
##  |  
##  |  Notes
##  |  -----
##  |  The probability density function for `beta` is:
##  |  
##  |  .. math::
##  |  
##  |      f(x, a, b) = \frac{\Gamma(a+b) x^{a-1} (1-x)^{b-1}}
##  |                        {\Gamma(a) \Gamma(b)}
##  |  
##  |  for :math:`0 <= x <= 1`, :math:`a > 0`, :math:`b > 0`, where
##  |  :math:`\Gamma` is the gamma function (`scipy.special.gamma`).
##  |  
##  |  `beta` takes :math:`a` and :math:`b` as shape parameters.
##  |  
##  |  %(after_notes)s
##  |  
##  |  %(example)s
##  |  
##  |  Method resolution order:
##  |      beta_gen
##  |      scipy.stats._distn_infrastructure.rv_continuous
##  |      scipy.stats._distn_infrastructure.rv_generic
##  |      builtins.object
##  |  
##  |  Methods defined here:
##  |  
##  |  fit(self, data, *args, **kwds)
##  |      Return MLEs for shape (if applicable), location, and scale
##  |      parameters from data.
##  |      
##  |      MLE stands for Maximum Likelihood Estimate.  Starting estimates for
##  |      the fit are given by input arguments; for any arguments not provided
##  |      with starting estimates, ``self._fitstart(data)`` is called to generate
##  |      such.
##  |      
##  |      One can hold some parameters fixed to specific values by passing in
##  |      keyword arguments ``f0``, ``f1``, ..., ``fn`` (for shape parameters)
##  |      and ``floc`` and ``fscale`` (for location and scale parameters,
##  |      respectively).
##  |      
##  |      Parameters
##  |      ----------
##  |      data : array_like
##  |          Data to use in calculating the MLEs.
##  |      arg1, arg2, arg3,... : floats, optional
##  |          Starting value(s) for any shape-characterizing arguments (those not
##  |          provided will be determined by a call to ``_fitstart(data)``).
##  |          No default value.
##  |      kwds : floats, optional
##  |          - `loc`: initial guess of the distribution's location parameter.
##  |          - `scale`: initial guess of the distribution's scale parameter.
##  |      
##  |          Special keyword arguments are recognized as holding certain
##  |          parameters fixed:
##  |      
##  |          - f0...fn : hold respective shape parameters fixed.
##  |            Alternatively, shape parameters to fix can be specified by name.
##  |            For example, if ``self.shapes == "a, b"``, ``fa`` and ``fix_a``
##  |            are equivalent to ``f0``, and ``fb`` and ``fix_b`` are
##  |            equivalent to ``f1``.
##  |      
##  |          - floc : hold location parameter fixed to specified value.
##  |      
##  |          - fscale : hold scale parameter fixed to specified value.
##  |      
##  |          - optimizer : The optimizer to use.  The optimizer must take ``func``,
##  |            and starting position as the first two arguments,
##  |            plus ``args`` (for extra arguments to pass to the
##  |            function to be optimized) and ``disp=0`` to suppress
##  |            output as keyword arguments.
##  |      
##  |      Returns
##  |      -------
##  |      mle_tuple : tuple of floats
##  |          MLEs for any shape parameters (if applicable), followed by those
##  |          for location and scale. For most random variables, shape statistics
##  |          will be returned, but there are exceptions (e.g. ``norm``).
##  |      
##  |      Notes
##  |      -----
##  |      This fit is computed by maximizing a log-likelihood function, with
##  |      penalty applied for samples outside of range of the distribution. The
##  |      returned answer is not guaranteed to be the globally optimal MLE, it
##  |      may only be locally optimal, or the optimization may fail altogether.
##  |      If the data contain any of np.nan, np.inf, or -np.inf, the fit routine
##  |      will throw a RuntimeError.
##  |      
##  |      In the special case where both `floc` and `fscale` are given, a
##  |      `ValueError` is raised if any value `x` in `data` does not satisfy
##  |      `floc < x < floc + fscale`.
##  |      
##  |      Examples
##  |      --------
##  |      
##  |      Generate some data to fit: draw random variates from the `beta`
##  |      distribution
##  |      
##  |      >>> from scipy.stats import beta
##  |      >>> a, b = 1., 2.
##  |      >>> x = beta.rvs(a, b, size=1000)
##  |      
##  |      Now we can fit all four parameters (``a``, ``b``, ``loc`` and ``scale``):
##  |      
##  |      >>> a1, b1, loc1, scale1 =
##  |      
##  |      We can also use some prior knowledge about the dataset: let's keep
##  |      ``loc`` and ``scale`` fixed:
##  |      
##  |      >>> a1, b1, loc1, scale1 =, floc=0, fscale=1)
##  |      >>> loc1, scale1
##  |      (0, 1)
##  |      
##  |      We can also keep shape parameters fixed by using ``f``-keywords. To
##  |      keep the zero-th shape parameter ``a`` equal 1, use ``f0=1`` or,
##  |      equivalently, ``fa=1``:
##  |      
##  |      >>> a1, b1, loc1, scale1 =, fa=1, floc=0, fscale=1)
##  |      >>> a1
##  |      1
##  |      
##  |      Not all distributions return estimates for the shape parameters.
##  |      ``norm`` for example just returns estimates for location and scale:
##  |      
##  |      >>> from scipy.stats import norm
##  |      >>> x = norm.rvs(a, b, size=1000, random_state=123)
##  |      >>> loc1, scale1 =
##  |      >>> loc1, scale1
##  |      (0.92087172783841631, 2.0015750750324668)
##  |  
##  |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
##  |  Methods inherited from scipy.stats._distn_infrastructure.rv_continuous:
##  |  
##  |  __getstate__(self)
##  |  
##  |  __init__(self, momtype=1, a=None, b=None, xtol=1e-14, badvalue=None, name=None, longname=None, shapes=None, extradoc=None, seed=None)
##  |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
##  |  
##  |  cdf(self, x, *args, **kwds)
##  |      Cumulative distribution function of the given RV.
##  |      
##  |      Parameters
##  |      ----------
##  |      x : array_like
##  |          quantiles
##  |      arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
##  |          The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
##  |          instance object for more information)
##  |      loc : array_like, optional
##  |          location parameter (default=0)
##  |      scale : array_like, optional
##  |          scale parameter (default=1)
##  |      
##  |      Returns
##  |      -------
##  |      cdf : ndarray
##  |          Cumulative distribution function evaluated at `x`
##  |  
##  |  expect(self, func=None, args=(), loc=0, scale=1, lb=None, ub=None, conditional=False, **kwds)
##  |      Calculate expected value of a function with respect to the
##  |      distribution by numerical integration.
##  |      
##  |      The expected value of a function ``f(x)`` with respect to a
##  |      distribution ``dist`` is defined as::
##  |      
##  |                  ub
##  |          E[f(x)] = Integral(f(x) * dist.pdf(x)),
##  |                  lb
##  |      
##  |      where ``ub`` and ``lb`` are arguments and ``x`` has the ``dist.pdf(x)``
##  |      distribution. If the bounds ``lb`` and ``ub`` correspond to the
##  |      support of the distribution, e.g. ``[-inf, inf]`` in the default
##  |      case, then the integral is the unrestricted expectation of ``f(x)``.
##  |      Also, the function ``f(x)`` may be defined such that ``f(x)`` is ``0``
##  |      outside a finite interval in which case the expectation is
##  |      calculated within the finite range ``[lb, ub]``.
##  |      
##  |      Parameters
##  |      ----------
##  |      func : callable, optional
##  |          Function for which integral is calculated. Takes only one argument.
##  |          The default is the identity mapping f(x) = x.
##  |      args : tuple, optional
##  |          Shape parameters of the distribution.
##  |      loc : float, optional
##  |          Location parameter (default=0).
##  |      scale : float, optional
##  |          Scale parameter (default=1).
##  |      lb, ub : scalar, optional
##  |          Lower and upper bound for integration. Default is set to the
##  |          support of the distribution.
##  |      conditional : bool, optional
##  |          If True, the integral is corrected by the conditional probability
##  |          of the integration interval.  The return value is the expectation
##  |          of the function, conditional on being in the given interval.
##  |          Default is False.
##  |      
##  |      Additional keyword arguments are passed to the integration routine.
##  |      
##  |      Returns
##  |      -------
##  |      expect : float
##  |          The calculated expected value.
##  |      
##  |      Notes
##  |      -----
##  |      The integration behavior of this function is inherited from
##  |      `scipy.integrate.quad`. Neither this function nor
##  |      `scipy.integrate.quad` can verify whether the integral exists or is
##  |      finite. For example ``cauchy(0).mean()`` returns ``np.nan`` and
##  |      ``cauchy(0).expect()`` returns ``0.0``.
##  |      
##  |      The function is not vectorized.
##  |      
##  |      Examples
##  |      --------
##  |      
##  |      To understand the effect of the bounds of integration consider
##  |      
##  |      >>> from scipy.stats import expon
##  |      >>> expon(1).expect(lambda x: 1, lb=0.0, ub=2.0)
##  |      0.6321205588285578
##  |      
##  |      This is close to
##  |      
##  |      >>> expon(1).cdf(2.0) - expon(1).cdf(0.0)
##  |      0.6321205588285577
##  |      
##  |      If ``conditional=True``
##  |      
##  |      >>> expon(1).expect(lambda x: 1, lb=0.0, ub=2.0, conditional=True)
##  |      1.0000000000000002
##  |      
##  |      The slight deviation from 1 is due to numerical integration.
##  |  
##  |  fit_loc_scale(self, data, *args)
##  |      Estimate loc and scale parameters from data using 1st and 2nd moments.
##  |      
##  |      Parameters
##  |      ----------
##  |      data : array_like
##  |          Data to fit.
##  |      arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
##  |          The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
##  |          instance object for more information).
##  |      
##  |      Returns
##  |      -------
##  |      Lhat : float
##  |          Estimated location parameter for the data.
##  |      Shat : float
##  |          Estimated scale parameter for the data.
##  |  
##  |  isf(self, q, *args, **kwds)
##  |      Inverse survival function (inverse of `sf`) at q of the given RV.
##  |      
##  |      Parameters
##  |      ----------
##  |      q : array_like
##  |          upper tail probability
##  |      arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
##  |          The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
##  |          instance object for more information)
##  |      loc : array_like, optional
##  |          location parameter (default=0)
##  |      scale : array_like, optional
##  |          scale parameter (default=1)
##  |      
##  |      Returns
##  |      -------
##  |      x : ndarray or scalar
##  |          Quantile corresponding to the upper tail probability q.
##  |  
##  |  logcdf(self, x, *args, **kwds)
##  |      Log of the cumulative distribution function at x of the given RV.
##  |      
##  |      Parameters
##  |      ----------
##  |      x : array_like
##  |          quantiles
##  |      arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
##  |          The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
##  |          instance object for more information)
##  |      loc : array_like, optional
##  |          location parameter (default=0)
##  |      scale : array_like, optional
##  |          scale parameter (default=1)
##  |      
##  |      Returns
##  |      -------
##  |      logcdf : array_like
##  |          Log of the cumulative distribution function evaluated at x
##  |  
##  |  logpdf(self, x, *args, **kwds)
##  |      Log of the probability density function at x of the given RV.
##  |      
##  |      This uses a more numerically accurate calculation if available.
##  |      
##  |      Parameters
##  |      ----------
##  |      x : array_like
##  |          quantiles
##  |      arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
##  |          The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
##  |          instance object for more information)
##  |      loc : array_like, optional
##  |          location parameter (default=0)
##  |      scale : array_like, optional
##  |          scale parameter (default=1)
##  |      
##  |      Returns
##  |      -------
##  |      logpdf : array_like
##  |          Log of the probability density function evaluated at x
##  |  
##  |  logsf(self, x, *args, **kwds)
##  |      Log of the survival function of the given RV.
##  |      
##  |      Returns the log of the "survival function," defined as (1 - `cdf`),
##  |      evaluated at `x`.
##  |      
##  |      Parameters
##  |      ----------
##  |      x : array_like
##  |          quantiles
##  |      arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
##  |          The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
##  |          instance object for more information)
##  |      loc : array_like, optional
##  |          location parameter (default=0)
##  |      scale : array_like, optional
##  |          scale parameter (default=1)
##  |      
##  |      Returns
##  |      -------
##  |      logsf : ndarray
##  |          Log of the survival function evaluated at `x`.
##  |  
##  |  nnlf(self, theta, x)
##  |      Return negative loglikelihood function.
##  |      
##  |      Notes
##  |      -----
##  |      This is ``-sum(log pdf(x, theta), axis=0)`` where `theta` are the
##  |      parameters (including loc and scale).
##  |  
##  |  pdf(self, x, *args, **kwds)
##  |      Probability density function at x of the given RV.
##  |      
##  |      Parameters
##  |      ----------
##  |      x : array_like
##  |          quantiles
##  |      arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
##  |          The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
##  |          instance object for more information)
##  |      loc : array_like, optional
##  |          location parameter (default=0)
##  |      scale : array_like, optional
##  |          scale parameter (default=1)
##  |      
##  |      Returns
##  |      -------
##  |      pdf : ndarray
##  |          Probability density function evaluated at x
##  |  
##  |  ppf(self, q, *args, **kwds)
##  |      Percent point function (inverse of `cdf`) at q of the given RV.
##  |      
##  |      Parameters
##  |      ----------
##  |      q : array_like
##  |          lower tail probability
##  |      arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
##  |          The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
##  |          instance object for more information)
##  |      loc : array_like, optional
##  |          location parameter (default=0)
##  |      scale : array_like, optional
##  |          scale parameter (default=1)
##  |      
##  |      Returns
##  |      -------
##  |      x : array_like
##  |          quantile corresponding to the lower tail probability q.
##  |  
##  |  sf(self, x, *args, **kwds)
##  |      Survival function (1 - `cdf`) at x of the given RV.
##  |      
##  |      Parameters
##  |      ----------
##  |      x : array_like
##  |          quantiles
##  |      arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
##  |          The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
##  |          instance object for more information)
##  |      loc : array_like, optional
##  |          location parameter (default=0)
##  |      scale : array_like, optional
##  |          scale parameter (default=1)
##  |      
##  |      Returns
##  |      -------
##  |      sf : array_like
##  |          Survival function evaluated at x
##  |  
##  |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
##  |  Methods inherited from scipy.stats._distn_infrastructure.rv_generic:
##  |  
##  |  __call__(self, *args, **kwds)
##  |      Freeze the distribution for the given arguments.
##  |      
##  |      Parameters
##  |      ----------
##  |      arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
##  |          The shape parameter(s) for the distribution.  Should include all
##  |          the non-optional arguments, may include ``loc`` and ``scale``.
##  |      
##  |      Returns
##  |      -------
##  |      rv_frozen : rv_frozen instance
##  |          The frozen distribution.
##  |  
##  |  __setstate__(self, state)
##  |  
##  |  entropy(self, *args, **kwds)
##  |      Differential entropy of the RV.
##  |      
##  |      Parameters
##  |      ----------
##  |      arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
##  |          The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
##  |          instance object for more information).
##  |      loc : array_like, optional
##  |          Location parameter (default=0).
##  |      scale : array_like, optional  (continuous distributions only).
##  |          Scale parameter (default=1).
##  |      
##  |      Notes
##  |      -----
##  |      Entropy is defined base `e`:
##  |      
##  |      >>> drv = rv_discrete(values=((0, 1), (0.5, 0.5)))
##  |      >>> np.allclose(drv.entropy(), np.log(2.0))
##  |      True
##  |  
##  |  freeze(self, *args, **kwds)
##  |      Freeze the distribution for the given arguments.
##  |      
##  |      Parameters
##  |      ----------
##  |      arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
##  |          The shape parameter(s) for the distribution.  Should include all
##  |          the non-optional arguments, may include ``loc`` and ``scale``.
##  |      
##  |      Returns
##  |      -------
##  |      rv_frozen : rv_frozen instance
##  |          The frozen distribution.
##  |  
##  |  interval(self, alpha, *args, **kwds)
##  |      Confidence interval with equal areas around the median.
##  |      
##  |      Parameters
##  |      ----------
##  |      alpha : array_like of float
##  |          Probability that an rv will be drawn from the returned range.
##  |          Each value should be in the range [0, 1].
##  |      arg1, arg2, ... : array_like
##  |          The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
##  |          instance object for more information).
##  |      loc : array_like, optional
##  |          location parameter, Default is 0.
##  |      scale : array_like, optional
##  |          scale parameter, Default is 1.
##  |      
##  |      Returns
##  |      -------
##  |      a, b : ndarray of float
##  |          end-points of range that contain ``100 * alpha %`` of the rv's
##  |          possible values.
##  |  
##  |  mean(self, *args, **kwds)
##  |      Mean of the distribution.
##  |      
##  |      Parameters
##  |      ----------
##  |      arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
##  |          The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
##  |          instance object for more information)
##  |      loc : array_like, optional
##  |          location parameter (default=0)
##  |      scale : array_like, optional
##  |          scale parameter (default=1)
##  |      
##  |      Returns
##  |      -------
##  |      mean : float
##  |          the mean of the distribution
##  |  
##  |  median(self, *args, **kwds)
##  |      Median of the distribution.
##  |      
##  |      Parameters
##  |      ----------
##  |      arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
##  |          The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
##  |          instance object for more information)
##  |      loc : array_like, optional
##  |          Location parameter, Default is 0.
##  |      scale : array_like, optional
##  |          Scale parameter, Default is 1.
##  |      
##  |      Returns
##  |      -------
##  |      median : float
##  |          The median of the distribution.
##  |      
##  |      See Also
##  |      --------
##  |      rv_discrete.ppf
##  |          Inverse of the CDF
##  |  
##  |  moment(self, n, *args, **kwds)
##  |      n-th order non-central moment of distribution.
##  |      
##  |      Parameters
##  |      ----------
##  |      n : int, n >= 1
##  |          Order of moment.
##  |      arg1, arg2, arg3,... : float
##  |          The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
##  |          instance object for more information).
##  |      loc : array_like, optional
##  |          location parameter (default=0)
##  |      scale : array_like, optional
##  |          scale parameter (default=1)
##  |  
##  |  rvs(self, *args, **kwds)
##  |      Random variates of given type.
##  |      
##  |      Parameters
##  |      ----------
##  |      arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
##  |          The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
##  |          instance object for more information).
##  |      loc : array_like, optional
##  |          Location parameter (default=0).
##  |      scale : array_like, optional
##  |          Scale parameter (default=1).
##  |      size : int or tuple of ints, optional
##  |          Defining number of random variates (default is 1).
##  |      random_state : {None, int, `~np.random.RandomState`, `~np.random.Generator`}, optional
##  |          If `seed` is `None` the `~np.random.RandomState` singleton is used.
##  |          If `seed` is an int, a new ``RandomState`` instance is used, seeded
##  |          with seed.
##  |          If `seed` is already a ``RandomState`` or ``Generator`` instance,
##  |          then that object is used.
##  |          Default is None.
##  |      
##  |      Returns
##  |      -------
##  |      rvs : ndarray or scalar
##  |          Random variates of given `size`.
##  |  
##  |  stats(self, *args, **kwds)
##  |      Some statistics of the given RV.
##  |      
##  |      Parameters
##  |      ----------
##  |      arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
##  |          The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
##  |          instance object for more information)
##  |      loc : array_like, optional
##  |          location parameter (default=0)
##  |      scale : array_like, optional (continuous RVs only)
##  |          scale parameter (default=1)
##  |      moments : str, optional
##  |          composed of letters ['mvsk'] defining which moments to compute:
##  |          'm' = mean,
##  |          'v' = variance,
##  |          's' = (Fisher's) skew,
##  |          'k' = (Fisher's) kurtosis.
##  |          (default is 'mv')
##  |      
##  |      Returns
##  |      -------
##  |      stats : sequence
##  |          of requested moments.
##  |  
##  |  std(self, *args, **kwds)
##  |      Standard deviation of the distribution.
##  |      
##  |      Parameters
##  |      ----------
##  |      arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
##  |          The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
##  |          instance object for more information)
##  |      loc : array_like, optional
##  |          location parameter (default=0)
##  |      scale : array_like, optional
##  |          scale parameter (default=1)
##  |      
##  |      Returns
##  |      -------
##  |      std : float
##  |          standard deviation of the distribution
##  |  
##  |  support(self, *args, **kwargs)
##  |      Return the support of the distribution.
##  |      
##  |      Parameters
##  |      ----------
##  |      arg1, arg2, ... : array_like
##  |          The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
##  |          instance object for more information).
##  |      loc : array_like, optional
##  |          location parameter, Default is 0.
##  |      scale : array_like, optional
##  |          scale parameter, Default is 1.
##  |      Returns
##  |      -------
##  |      a, b : float
##  |          end-points of the distribution's support.
##  |  
##  |  var(self, *args, **kwds)
##  |      Variance of the distribution.
##  |      
##  |      Parameters
##  |      ----------
##  |      arg1, arg2, arg3,... : array_like
##  |          The shape parameter(s) for the distribution (see docstring of the
##  |          instance object for more information)
##  |      loc : array_like, optional
##  |          location parameter (default=0)
##  |      scale : array_like, optional
##  |          scale parameter (default=1)
##  |      
##  |      Returns
##  |      -------
##  |      var : float
##  |          the variance of the distribution
##  |  
##  |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
##  |  Data descriptors inherited from scipy.stats._distn_infrastructure.rv_generic:
##  |  
##  |  __dict__
##  |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
##  |  
##  |  __weakref__
##  |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
##  |  
##  |  random_state
##  |      Get or set the RandomState object for generating random variates.
##  |      
##  |      This can be either None, int, a RandomState instance, or a
##  |      np.random.Generator instance.
##  |      
##  |      If None (or np.random), use the RandomState singleton used by np.random.
##  |      If already a RandomState or Generator instance, use it.
##  |      If an int, use a new RandomState instance seeded with seed.

Notice that the python documentation here is enormous. The reason for that is because this documentation lists the use of every attribute contained within the function beta, of which there is:

The reason that there are so many attributes that are required is because of “object orientation”, which is something that we will discuss later. Briefly, the object beta contains most (all?) functions that one might want to use with the beta function, such as the distribution mean, fits of the distribution, etc.

This is an example of where R and python have the same functionality in the base code (i.e. with the help functions), and where python requires the additional scipy package to perform functions available in base R (i.e. with the beta distributions). Note thought that this is not necessarily a limitation/criticism of either language, as loading an additional package is generally trivial in both languages.

Put simply, R and python base functions differ mostly in the fact that most functions available within numpy and scipy are available within base R.

Variable assignment

Variable assignment in R and python can be done in the standard way using =.

#in R
## [1] 14
#or in python
## 14

More traditionally the R assignment character is the “arrow”: <-. That is, I can rewrite the R assignments above as:

#using arrows in R
rm("b") #get rid of the old "b"
exists("b") #Good, it's gone!
## [1] FALSE
## [1] 14

The arrow notation is mostly historical, and in practice there is little difference between the arrow notation and the equals notation. Some small differences: While assignment with the = is assumed to be right-to-left, assignment in the arrow notation follows the direction of the arrow… This means that it’s possible to assign left-to-right:

#right-to-left arrows
rm('b') #get rid of the old "b"
exists('b') #Good, it's gone!
## [1] FALSE
## [1] 14

But of course, in practice you will never use this functionality. The arrow notation has one common catastrophic failure, which is the difference in behaviour between “a< -3” (‘is \(a\) less than minus \(3\)?’) and “a<-3” (‘assign \(3\) to \(a\)’). The main cause for this catastrophic failure is that “successful assignment” evaluates to TRUE. See the below code for example:

#a is 9 
#Catastrophic Failure 
if (a<-3) { 
  print("Yes, a is < -3") 
} else { 
  print("No, a is > -3") 
## [1] "Yes, a is < -3"
#a is 9 
#Expected Behaviour 
if (a< -3) { 
  print("Yes, a is < -3") 
} else { 
  print("No, a is > -3") 
## [1] "No, a is > -3"

The main reason for the arrow’s continued existence is that the = has a secondary function as “named keyword specification” in function calls, which we will discuss below.

Generally, for new users to R (and especially those who frequently switch between R and python), using the = notation is probably preferable. In this course you will see that I primarily use the arrow notation, because I was taught R by picky R-purists during my Masters, and never broke the habit. Full Disclosure: this means that I frequently have to rewrite my python assignments because I mistakenly fall into R notation.

\(2/10\) would not recommend.

But beware that, of course, using the = does not save you from accidentally using the arrow as in the above example!

Custom Functions

Functions in R and python are specified in similar ways, but with slightly different syntax. Lets construct a custom function that computes the root-mean-square of two vectors:

#Custom Functions in R
rms<-function(a,b) { 
##  [1] 2.000000 2.114033 2.233306 2.357023 2.484520 2.615245 2.748737 2.884612 3.022549 3.162278
#Custom Functions in python
def rms(a,b): 
  return np.sqrt(a**2+b**2)

## array([2.        , 2.11403307, 2.23330569, 2.3570226 , 2.48451997,
##        2.61524495, 2.74873708, 2.88461222, 3.022549  , 3.16227766])

Variable types

R and python have subtly different variable types, which prior to the release of python3 meant that the behaviour of R and python (when confronted with the same expression) could behave very differently. However, this is now less frequently the case. Nonetheless, understanding the different variable types is important.

python has distinct data types for integers (int), real numbers (float), complex-numbers (complex), and strings (str). There are more, but for now let’s focus on these. This is slightly simplified in R, where there is nominally no distinction between integers and real-numbers: all real-numbers are classes as the numeric type. Therefore, broadly speaking, you can consider R to have two variable types: numeric for real numbers and character for strings (again, there are others, but let’s focus on these for now).

#Types in R
a=3        #numeric
a=3.1415   #numeric
a="3.1415" #character
#Types in python
a=3        #int
a=3.1415   #float
a="3.1415" #str
Prior to python3 this had important consequences, due to the way in variables are dynamically “typecast” (that is, how they decide what ‘type’ a new variable will inherit during mathematics). In python2 the operation “\(14/10\)” would result in \(1\), because these are integers and the divisor used “integer floor division”. This was updated in python3 to produce the far more logical behaviour below:
#Arithmetic in R
## [1] 1.4
#Arithmatic in python3
## 1.4

Both R and python here have the same result, because python3 defines / as a float operator, and dynamically typecasts the integer’s to float’s prior to computation. In R the need for this housekeeping is less obvious, because even integer numbers are numeric from the start, but formally a similar process takes place behind the scenes. This is another example of where the behaviour of R and python are converging.

You can see this behaviour directly by looking at the class() (in R) or type() (in python) of the variables:
#Variable classes in R
class(a); class(b); class(c)
## [1] "numeric"
## [1] "numeric"
## [1] "numeric"
#Variable types in python
type(a); type(b); type(c)
## <class 'int'>
## <class 'int'>
## <class 'float'>

Note that if we force R to treat the input variables as integers, we see the same dynamic typecasting:

#Typecast in R
class(a); class(b); class(c)
## [1] "integer"
## [1] "integer"
## [1] "numeric"
So, in basically all practical respects, python has converged to the R behaviour in this regard. So much so that the formal comparisons now typecast as well:
#Integers in R
as.integer(10) == as.numeric(10)
## [1] TRUE
#Integers in python
int(10) == float(10) 
## True

Which makes sense, because the value of \(10\) is still the same whether you’re counting discretely (integers) or continuously (numeric/float).

Data types

Collections of variables can be made in different ways. These collections of variables are actually classed as different variable types (so should go in the previous section), but for ease-of-introduction we’re making a distinction between “types of variables” and “types of collections of variables”. In R and python there are many different ways to combine chunks of variables. We’re going to focus on a subset of these within R:

And on their python equivalents:

Vectors and np.arrays

Collections of variables of a single type can be combined into vectors in both R and python. In R, the vector is a fundamental unit to the structure of the language, and as a result essentially all operations that you perform can be done in a vectorised fashion. In python, (the most widely used implementation of) vectors are implemented within the numpy package.

Let’s make a simple vector in R and python, and then look at its format:
#Vectors in R
print(vec); class(vec)
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6
## [1] "numeric"
#Vectors in python
print(vec); type(vec)
## [1 2 3 4 5 6]
## <class 'numpy.ndarray'>

In R we have used the concatenate command c() to construct our vector of integers. Note that, because the vector is a fundamental object in R, it simply retains the type numeric; however in python this form of variable has the new type numpy.ndarray. As you can guess from the name, this is a special \(1\)-dimensional case of the \(n\)-dimensional array we will discuss next. The implementation of numpy.ndarray is essentially the same as base vectors in R, which means that simple vector arithmetic is possible simply in both languages.

#Vector Arithmetic in R
#now do some arbitrary arithmetic
## [1] 15.37089
#Vector Arithmetic in python
#now do some arbitrary arithmetic
## 15.370885778564148

Note that there are two important differences between these snippets. Firstly, here I’ve used the caret (^) exponentiation operator in R. In python the caret signifies bitwise XOR, and has nothing to do with exponentiation. Fortunately Python3 will almost always error with a “type mismatch” error if you use the carat incorrectly. Note also that you can also exponentiate in R using the python/C/fortran double-star ** notation as well. So if you’re learning R for the first time now, then you may want to opt for that notation as your go-to (similar to using = instead of <-.

#Double Star exponentiation in R
## [1] 15.37089
#Bitwise XOR operator (i.e. *not* exponentiation) in python
## Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords): TypeError: ufunc 'bitwise_xor' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''
## Detailed traceback: 
##   File "<string>", line 1, in <module>

But if you frequently use caret exponentiation in R (as I do…) then this is possible gotcha when transferring code to python.

Secondly, you’ll see that in the python snippet the sum() command is tacked onto the end of the command, rather than wrapping the command (as in the R snippet). I didn’t have to write it this way, but did so to give you your first taste of the object-oriented syntax of most python code. We’ll discuss this more a bit later.

Arrays and np.ndarrays

In python the \(1\)D np.array is a special case of the np.ndarray, whereas in R vectors and arrays are different classes. Internally this is because vectors do not contain a “dimension” attribute (i.e. the do not carry dimension status because they are “vectors”; they must have only one dimension). Or more accurately, arrays and matrices in R are actually just vectors which contain an additional dimension attribute. We can of course create a \(1\)-dimensional array in R, and the distinction from the vector is simply the dimension attribute.

#Vectors vs Arrays in R
str(a); str(b); identical(a,b)
##  num [1:12] 0 9.09 18.18 27.27 36.36 ...
##  num [1:12(1d)] 100 93.6 87.3 80.9 74.5 ...
## [1] FALSE
#but arithmetic is identical
## [1] 15.37089

When we make the step up to two-dimensional arrays in R, we find that there is another class: matrix. The matrix is the special case of the \(2\)D-array, and functionally is identical to a \(2\)D-array:

#Vectors vs Arrays in R
a=array(1:50,dim=c(10,5)) #2D array with dim 10x5
b=matrix(1:50,nrow=10,ncol=5) #matrix with dim 10x5
class(a); class(b); identical(a,b)
## [1] "matrix" "array"
## [1] "matrix" "array"
## [1] TRUE

The main reason for the distinction between matrices and arrays is because the \(2\)D matrix is ubiquitous in mathematics, and are natively supported by base R. As a result there are many functions that operate on matrices directly, but which are not designed for higher dimensional arrays. Having the separate matrix class makes handling compatibility in base R and other functions trivial. In python one can generate arrays with \(2\) or more dimensions using a range of techniques, depending primarily on how you want these arrays to be initialised (i.e. with \(0\)s, \(1\)s, or with arbitrary numbers).

#Multidimensional arrays in python
a=np.ones([10,5]) #filled with 1s
b=np.zeros([10,5]) #filled with 0s
c=np.ndarray([10,5]) #filled arbitrarily 

To construct an multidimensional array from a predefined vector of numbers, then this is done best by creating a vector and “reshaping” it into the desired multi-dimensional array. However, we should note some different behaviour here in R and python. In R, we initialise an array by providing a “data” vector to the array function. Importantly: the data vector is replicated until the desired array is filled. This means that arrays with repeated structure etc can be trivially generated; but note that arrays in R are always filled by-column.

#multidimensional array in R
print(a); print(b)
## , , 1
##            [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]       [,5]
## [1,] 0.00000000 0.2727273 0.5454545 0.8181818 0.00000000
## [2,] 0.09090909 0.3636364 0.6363636 0.9090909 0.09090909
## [3,] 0.18181818 0.4545455 0.7272727 1.0000000 0.18181818
## , , 2
##           [,1]      [,2]      [,3]       [,4]      [,5]
## [1,] 0.2727273 0.5454545 0.8181818 0.00000000 0.2727273
## [2,] 0.3636364 0.6363636 0.9090909 0.09090909 0.3636364
## [3,] 0.4545455 0.7272727 1.0000000 0.18181818 0.4545455
## , , 1
##           [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]
## [1,] 0.0000000 0.3333333 0.6666667 1.0000000 0.2222222
## [2,] 0.1111111 0.4444444 0.7777778 0.0000000 0.3333333
## [3,] 0.2222222 0.5555556 0.8888889 0.1111111 0.4444444
## , , 2
##           [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]
## [1,] 0.5555556 0.8888889 0.1111111 0.4444444 0.7777778
## [2,] 0.6666667 1.0000000 0.2222222 0.5555556 0.8888889
## [3,] 0.7777778 0.0000000 0.3333333 0.6666667 1.0000000

In python, we cannot reshape a vector into an array with more/fewer entries than the original vector (which makes sense, because we are “reshaping”, not instantiating a new object):

#multidimensional array with repition in python
a=np.linspace(0,1,num=12).reshape([3,5,2]) #FAILS
## Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords): ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 12 into shape (3,5,2)
## Detailed traceback: 
##   File "<string>", line 1, in <module>

However we can create array with regular structure using the concatenate() or repeat() functions in combination with reshape().

#Variable repetion in array creation
print(a); np.all(a==r.b); np.all(b==r.b)
## [[[0.         0.11111111]
##   [0.22222222 0.33333333]
##   [0.44444444 0.55555556]
##   [0.66666667 0.77777778]
##   [0.88888889 1.        ]]
##  [[0.         0.11111111]
##   [0.22222222 0.33333333]
##   [0.44444444 0.55555556]
##   [0.66666667 0.77777778]
##   [0.88888889 1.        ]]
##  [[0.         0.11111111]
##   [0.22222222 0.33333333]
##   [0.44444444 0.55555556]
##   [0.66666667 0.77777778]
##   [0.88888889 1.        ]]]
## False
## False

Firstly we notice that the default plotting of arrays in python is different to that in R; whereas R splits by index at the highest level, python splits at the lowest. This is because in python follows the C convention of filling arrays by incrementing the last index most rapidly (which you can see in the print; the last index increments sequentially). This difference is much more than cosmetic; notice that neither of the arrays a or b are filled in the same manner as the R equivalent.

Internally the python concatenate method produces behaviour most like R’s vector recycling, so we’ll focus on getting this to match between R and python. If we assume that the discrepancy is caused by the R/python fill-order philosophy, then we can use reshape’s order= option to try an alternative filling style.

#Alternate reshape ordering in python
## True

Bingo! Here we have specified the order= option to be 'F' for ‘Fortran’-style for filling the array, where the first index iterates the fastest (rather than the last index, which is the default C functionality). This then produces a match between the languages. Of course, when working within R or python alone you just need to be internally consistent. But this difference might be important when switching between languages (or mixing them, as discussed later).

Lists and dictionaries

python and R both have the functionality to specify complex structures of data called lists. In R, the list() is an extremely flexible data structure that is generally used for storing highly complex combinations of data types. python has two implementations of list-like structures: the list (which is indexed by number and is defined using square brackets [...]) and the dictionary (which is indexed by name and is defined using curly braces {...}). There are fundamental differences to how these are implemented under-the-hood in python, but for now we’ll focus on their use.

Declaration of lists in R uses the list() function:

#Lists in R
mylist=list(a=a,b=b,vec=c(1,2,3,4,5,6),str="this is a string")
## List of 4
##  $ a  : num [1:3, 1:5, 1:2] 0 0.0909 0.1818 0.2727 0.3636 ...
##  $ b  : num [1:3, 1:5, 1:2] 0 0.111 0.222 0.333 0.444 ...
##  $ vec: num [1:6] 1 2 3 4 5 6
##  $ str: chr "this is a string"

In python we declare lists with square brackets [...] and dictionaries with curly braces {...}:

#Lists in python
        "this is a string"]
## [array([[[0.        , 0.55555556],
##         [0.33333333, 0.88888889],
##         [0.66666667, 0.11111111],
##         [1.        , 0.44444444],
##         [0.22222222, 0.77777778]],
##        [[0.11111111, 0.66666667],
##         [0.44444444, 1.        ],
##         [0.77777778, 0.22222222],
##         [0.        , 0.55555556],
##         [0.33333333, 0.88888889]],
##        [[0.22222222, 0.77777778],
##         [0.55555556, 0.        ],
##         [0.88888889, 0.33333333],
##         [0.11111111, 0.66666667],
##         [0.44444444, 1.        ]]]), array([[[0.        , 0.        ],
##         [0.        , 0.11111111],
##         [0.11111111, 0.11111111],
##         [0.22222222, 0.22222222],
##         [0.22222222, 0.33333333]],
##        [[0.33333333, 0.33333333],
##         [0.44444444, 0.44444444],
##         [0.44444444, 0.55555556],
##         [0.55555556, 0.55555556],
##         [0.66666667, 0.66666667]],
##        [[0.66666667, 0.77777778],
##         [0.77777778, 0.77777778],
##         [0.88888889, 0.88888889],
##         [0.88888889, 1.        ],
##         [1.        , 1.        ]]]), (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), 'this is a string']
        "str":"this is a string"}
## {'a': array([[[0.        , 0.55555556],
##         [0.33333333, 0.88888889],
##         [0.66666667, 0.11111111],
##         [1.        , 0.44444444],
##         [0.22222222, 0.77777778]],
##        [[0.11111111, 0.66666667],
##         [0.44444444, 1.        ],
##         [0.77777778, 0.22222222],
##         [0.        , 0.55555556],
##         [0.33333333, 0.88888889]],
##        [[0.22222222, 0.77777778],
##         [0.55555556, 0.        ],
##         [0.88888889, 0.33333333],
##         [0.11111111, 0.66666667],
##         [0.44444444, 1.        ]]]), 'b': array([[[0.        , 0.        ],
##         [0.        , 0.11111111],
##         [0.11111111, 0.11111111],
##         [0.22222222, 0.22222222],
##         [0.22222222, 0.33333333]],
##        [[0.33333333, 0.33333333],
##         [0.44444444, 0.44444444],
##         [0.44444444, 0.55555556],
##         [0.55555556, 0.55555556],
##         [0.66666667, 0.66666667]],
##        [[0.66666667, 0.77777778],
##         [0.77777778, 0.77777778],
##         [0.88888889, 0.88888889],
##         [0.88888889, 1.        ],
##         [1.        , 1.        ]]]), 'vec': (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), 'str': 'this is a string'}

While the list and dictionary types in python must be referenced by number and name respectively, the R list can be accessed in both manners (i.e. they are ordered and named, rather than one-or-the-other):

#List indexing in R
mylist[[4]]; mylist[["str"]]; mylist$str 
## [1] "this is a string"
## [1] "this is a string"
## [1] "this is a string"
#Lists indexing in python
mylist[3]; mydict["str"]; #These work
## 'this is a string'
## 'this is a string'
mylist['str']; mydict[3]; #These error
## Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords): TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str
## Detailed traceback: 
##   File "<string>", line 1, in <module>

Notice that the list in R is also accessible using attribute-like referencing (using $, we’ll discuss more about this a bit later).

Lists are useful due to their flexibility. You can make lists of lists of lists, filled with arbitrary data types and structures of arbitrary size.

The Python ‘tuple’

There is a special form of uneditable list in python called the tuple. The tuple is important because of its frequent use in return statements, where a function can return multiple/many objects all at once, grouped together into an uneditable list: i.e. the tuple.

Formally tuples are declared in python using parentheses (...). However tuples are important to understand because of the way that python interprets any unbracketed comma: as a tuple creation statement! This means that you can specify a set of variables, separated by commas, and this will be interpreted as being a tuple. As a result, if a function returns a tuple of objects, these objects can be “unpacked” on-the-fly as the function is evaluated:

#Tuples in python 
#Tuples are formally defined using parentheses 
tup = ( np.zeros([2,2]), "string", 90. ) 
## (array([[0., 0.],
##        [0., 0.]]), 'string', 90.0)
#But this works too!
tup = np.zeros([3,3]), "stringier", 0.99 
## (array([[0., 0., 0.],
##        [0., 0., 0.],
##        [0., 0., 0.]]), 'stringier', 0.99)

Once defined, a tuple cannot be modified:

#Tuples cannot be edited
## Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords): TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
## Detailed traceback: 
##   File "<string>", line 1, in <module>

The most common use of tuples in python is in function return statements, where you can do something interesting called “unpacking”:

#Define a function that returns a tuple 
def myFunction(): 
  return ( np.ones([2,2]), "new string", 10. ) 
#Unpack the results on-the-fly
mat, newstr, val = myFunction()
## new string

Notice that python has interpreted the comma-separated list as being a tuple declaration, even without parentheses. This tuple is then matched to the tuple that was returned from the function, and is unpacked element-by-element. This unpacking is unnamed. That is, you need to know the position-order of the values returned by the function and unpack it in the correct order, lest the following happen:

#Bad Unpack 
newstr, mat, val = myFunction()
## [[1. 1.]
##  [1. 1.]]

Positional unpacking in this manner is fundamental to ‘pythonic’ code. Such positional unpacking is also possible within R using various extensions (such as the zeallot and wrapr packages), however R never prioritised such positional returns, opting instead for named returns. We’ll see some examples of this later on.

Data frames and pandas data frames

The final data type is a generalisation on the matrix/2D array, which allows for arbitrary variable types per column. In R the data.frame is a native data type, and the more advanced data.table type is available through the data.table package. In python, DataFrame is available through the pandas package, and is designed to very closely mimic the data.frame/data.table functionality within R.

The utility of data frames is that they are a natural way for us to store catalogues of information. Additionally, data frames can be accessed in the same manner as both list and array data, because they hold similarities to both types. This means that we can define a data frame with arbitrary variable types per column, and access these data in whichever way we find most suitable.

Let’s make use of one of R’s available datasets (of which there are lots!), called “Hitters” and containing “Major League Baseball Data from the \(1986\) and \(1987\) seasons”:

#Data Frames in R
#Let's just look at a few columns
##                   AtBat Hits HmRun Runs
## -Andy Allanson      293   66     1   30
## -Alan Ashby         315   81     7   24
## -Alvin Davis        479  130    18   66
## -Andre Dawson       496  141    20   65
## -Andres Galarraga   321   87    10   39
## -Alfredo Griffin    594  169     4   74

And for simplicity we’ll use the same R data frame and convert it to a pandas data.frame in python:

#Data Frames in python
import pandas as pd
#For simplicity, inherit R's data 
##                    AtBat  Hits  HmRun  Runs
## -Andy Allanson       293    66      1    30
## -Alan Ashby          315    81      7    24
## -Alvin Davis         479   130     18    66
## -Andre Dawson        496   141     20    65
## -Andres Galarraga    321    87     10    39

Note that the data frames here are named in both columns and rows, and so can be accessed by either name or index (this is not unique to data frames in R, though). :

#Data Frame referencing in R
##               AtBat Hits HmRun Runs
## -Jose Canseco   600  144    33   85
#Index like an array with name/number/both
df[141,'HmRun']; df['-Jose Canseco',3]; 
## [1] 33
## [1] 33
#Index like a list
df$HmRun[141]; df[["HmRun"]][141]
## [1] 33
## [1] 33
#Data Frame referencing in python
#Index by numbers with iloc
##                 AtBat  Hits  HmRun  Runs
## -Don Mattingly    677   238     31   117
#Index by name with loc
## 31
print(df.loc['-Don Mattingly','HmRun'])
#Index in dictionary/list style
## 31
## 31

One of the strengths of data frames is the easy of subsetting/selecting data, as is a common task in lots of data analysis. For example, we can select the players with more than \(30\) home runs using a logical statement:

#Data Frame subsetting in R (I)
##                 AtBat Hits HmRun Runs
## -Don Baylor       585  139    31   93
## -Dave Kingman     561  118    35   70
## -Don Mattingly    677  238    31  117
## -Dave Parker      637  174    31   89
## -George Bell      641  198    31  101
## -Glenn Davis      574  152    31   91
## -Gary Gaetti      596  171    34   91
## -Jesse Barfield   589  170    40  107
## -Jose Canseco     600  144    33   85
## -Kirby Puckett    680  223    31  119
## -Rob Deer         466  108    33   75
#Data Frame subsetting in python (I)
##                  AtBat  Hits  HmRun  Runs
## -Don Baylor        585   139     31    93
## -Dave Kingman      561   118     35    70
## -Don Mattingly     677   238     31   117
## -Dave Parker       637   174     31    89
## -George Bell       641   198     31   101
## -Glenn Davis       574   152     31    91
## -Gary Gaetti       596   171     34    91
## -Jesse Barfield    589   170     40   107
## -Jose Canseco      600   144     33    85
## -Kirby Puckett     680   223     31   119
## -Rob Deer          466   108     33    75

or using indexing with the R which() or python np.where() functions:

#Data Frame subsetting in R (II)
##                 AtBat Hits HmRun Runs
## -Don Baylor       585  139    31   93
## -Dave Kingman     561  118    35   70
## -Don Mattingly    677  238    31  117
## -Dave Parker      637  174    31   89
## -George Bell      641  198    31  101
## -Glenn Davis      574  152    31   91
## -Gary Gaetti      596  171    34   91
## -Jesse Barfield   589  170    40  107
## -Jose Canseco     600  144    33   85
## -Kirby Puckett    680  223    31  119
## -Rob Deer         466  108    33   75
#Data Frame subsetting in python (II)
##                  AtBat  Hits  HmRun  Runs
## -Don Baylor        585   139     31    93
## -Dave Kingman      561   118     35    70
## -Don Mattingly     677   238     31   117
## -Dave Parker       637   174     31    89
## -George Bell       641   198     31   101
## -Glenn Davis       574   152     31    91
## -Gary Gaetti       596   171     34    91
## -Jesse Barfield    589   170     40   107
## -Jose Canseco      600   144     33    85
## -Kirby Puckett     680   223     31   119
## -Rob Deer          466   108     33    75

This allows us to trivially select complex subsets of data for analysis. For example, we can look at the correlation between the rate of successful hits and runs:

#Data Frame manipulation in R
df$HitRate<-df$Hits/df$AtBat #Define a new column
df[["RunRate"]]<-df$Runs/df$AtBat #This works too
#Ratio of mean RunRate, split by median in HitRate
## [1] 1.195583

And the equivalent in python:

#Data Frame manipulation in python
df['HitRate']=df.Hits/df.AtBat #Define a new column
df.insert(4,"RunRate",df.Runs/df.AtBat) #This works too
##Ratio of mean RunRate, split by median in HitRate
## 1.195582607621297

As you can see, these operations are all pretty equivalent in R and python. R does have an ace in the hole, though, with the data.table package. Data tables are similar to data frames in many ways (in fact they are always jointly classed as data.table and data.frame), but are much faster for doing operations. So fast, in fact, that in benchmarking with large datasets they frequently unbeaten in any language. For example, let’s use another dataset of airline arrivals into New York in \(2013\), to compute the average arrival-time delay by carrier using data.table and pandas data.frame:

#Data Tables manipulation in R
#Make our data.table
##         year month day dep_time sched_dep_time dep_delay arr_time sched_arr_time arr_delay carrier
##      1: 2013     1   1      517            515         2      830            819        11      UA
##      2: 2013     1   1      533            529         4      850            830        20      UA
##      3: 2013     1   1      542            540         2      923            850        33      AA
##      4: 2013     1   1      544            545        -1     1004           1022       -18      B6
##      5: 2013     1   1      554            600        -6      812            837       -25      DL
##     ---                                                                                           
## 336772: 2013     9  30       NA           1455        NA       NA           1634        NA      9E
## 336773: 2013     9  30       NA           2200        NA       NA           2312        NA      9E
## 336774: 2013     9  30       NA           1210        NA       NA           1330        NA      MQ
## 336775: 2013     9  30       NA           1159        NA       NA           1344        NA      MQ
## 336776: 2013     9  30       NA            840        NA       NA           1020        NA      MQ
##         flight tailnum origin dest air_time distance hour minute           time_hour
##      1:   1545  N14228    EWR  IAH      227     1400    5     15 2013-01-01 05:00:00
##      2:   1714  N24211    LGA  IAH      227     1416    5     29 2013-01-01 05:00:00
##      3:   1141  N619AA    JFK  MIA      160     1089    5     40 2013-01-01 05:00:00
##      4:    725  N804JB    JFK  BQN      183     1576    5     45 2013-01-01 05:00:00
##      5:    461  N668DN    LGA  ATL      116      762    6      0 2013-01-01 06:00:00
##     ---                                                                             
## 336772:   3393    <NA>    JFK  DCA       NA      213   14     55 2013-09-30 14:00:00
## 336773:   3525    <NA>    LGA  SYR       NA      198   22      0 2013-09-30 22:00:00
## 336774:   3461  N535MQ    LGA  BNA       NA      764   12     10 2013-09-30 12:00:00
## 336775:   3572  N511MQ    LGA  CLE       NA      419   11     59 2013-09-30 11:00:00
## 336776:   3531  N839MQ    LGA  RDU       NA      431    8     40 2013-09-30 08:00:00
#Compute the mean departure and arrival delays by carrier
##     carrier        arr       dep
##  1:      UA  3.5580111 12.106073
##  2:      AA  0.3642909  8.586016
##  3:      B6  9.4579733 13.022522
##  4:      DL  1.6443409  9.264505
##  5:      EV 15.7964311 19.955390
##  6:      MQ 10.7747334 10.552041
##  7:      US  2.1295951  3.782418
##  8:      WN  9.6491199 17.711744
##  9:      VX  1.7644644 12.869421
## 10:      FL 20.1159055 18.726075
## 11:      AS -9.9308886  5.804775
## 12:      9E  7.3796692 16.725769
## 13:      F9 21.9207048 20.215543
## 14:      HA -6.9152047  4.900585
## 15:      YV 15.5569853 18.996330
## 16:      OO 11.9310345 12.586207
#Benchmark the computation 
## Unit: milliseconds
##       expr      min       lq     mean   median       uq      max neval
##  datatable 8.870197 10.54814 11.65807 11.03005 11.28406 18.46683   100

And now in python:

import timeit
#Data Frame manipulation in python
#Setup a timer
#Do 100 computations in the benchmarking
for i in range(100):
  start = timeit.default_timer()
  #Compute the mean of the arrival and departure delays by carrier
  stop = timeit.default_timer()
  time[i]=(stop - start)*1E3 #milliseconds
print('Pandas DataFrame (min, mean, max)\n', 
       time.min(), time.mean(), time.max() )
## Pandas DataFrame (min, mean, max)
##  12.493763999998464 13.110126100000041 17.195977000000084

This example is found to be true in wider benchmarking tests like those linked above, and is increasingly apparent with larger and larger datasets. So this is an example where R’s data-analysis focus leads to a measurable difference between the languages.

Indexing (!!IMPORTANT!!)

We have already seen a few examples of where R and python differ, and many many ways in which they are similar. There is one difference between the languages, however, that is absolutely fundamental and cannot be avoided. An important one (which the keen-eyed of you may have already noticed!) is to do with the indexing convention.

This means that the first element in an array (i.e. the element without any other elements in-front of it…) is the “\(1^{\rm st}\)” element in R, and the “\(0^{\rm th}\)” element in python:

#Indexing in R
## [1] "a"
## [1] "e"
#Indexing in python
## 'b'
arr[arr.shape[0] - 1]
## 'e'

It is clear from above, this has some very obvious consequences if converting between R and python code.

In practice it is useful to think of \(1\)-indexing as being a counting index (“first element, second element, third element, …”), whereas \(0\)-indexing is an offset index (’zero elements away from first, one element away from first, two…“). Apart from simply changing the numbers that are needed to access the same entries in an array, the different choice of indexing has an influence over other behaviours too. For example, in python’s \(0\)-indexing, the \(-1^{\rm th}\) element can be interpreted as being”one element before first", which wraps-around and becomes the last element:

#Negative indexing in python
arr[ind]; arr[ind-1]
## array(['a', 'b', 'c'], dtype='<U1')
## array(['e', 'a', 'b'], dtype='<U1')

Conversely in R negative (and zero!) indices mean something quite different; they are element deletions.

#Zero and Negative indexing in R
arr[0]; arr[c(0,1)]; arr[-1]; arr[c(-1,0)] 
## character(0)
## [1] "a"
## [1] "b" "c" "d" "e"
## [1] "b" "c" "d" "e"

A zero index in R literally means “no element”, keeping consistent with the ‘counting’ index philosophy. This means that zero indices are ignored when included with other non-zero indices. The negative indices remove the elements that are referenced. To avoid confusion with python-like indexing, R does not allow the mixture of negative (deletion) indices with positive (reference) indices.

Finally, the indexing difference means that sequence construction differs between the languages (so to be consistent with the indexing):

#Sequence generation in R
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5
#Sequence generation in python 
## array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])

Object Orientated vs Functional Code

As mentioned above, R and python differ somewhat in the type of programming to which they lend themselves. R is very much a functional programming language at heart, meaning that tasks are completed by running functions. Conversely, python is primarily geared towards object-oriented programming. That said, both R and python have the ability to be run in a functional or object-oriented fashion, but most code written in each language is geared one-way or the other. What this means in practice is that frequently the same code will look quite different in R and python. But if you understand the difference between functional and object-oriented styles of programming, it will make things clearer. To demonstrate the distinction between functional and object oriented programming, let’s look at some simple matrix multiplication of eigenvectors and eigenvalues. In R we can do an eigen-decomposition using the eigen() function, and in python we use the numpy.linalg.eig() function:

#Functional code in R
#Start with a symmetric matrix
#Calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors 
#Check the results: A = V.diag(lambda).V^T 
eig$vectors %*% diag(eig$values) %*% t(eig$vectors)
##      [,1] [,2]
## [1,]    6    2
## [2,]    2    3
#Object-Oriented python
#Start with a symmetric matrix
#Calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors 
eigVals, eigVecs = np.linalg.eig(mat)
#Check the results: A = V.diag(lambda).V^T
## array([[6., 2.],
##        [2., 3.]])

The different philosophies are most apparent in the dot products. In R, the external function %*% operates on the different objects, whereas in python the objects themselves have attributes that are enacted and chained together. We can actually make the difference clearer on the R side by invoking the matrix multiplication function in a more ‘traditional’ fashion:

#Fully Functional inner/dot products in R
##      [,1] [,2]
## [1,]    6    2
## [2,]    2    3

While we would generally never write this in normal day-to-day programming, it makes the functional philosophy clearer. Operations in R generally tend to invoke functions which wrap other functions. Conversely in python, operations tend to be focussed on the objects that we want to operate on themselves. However, it is worth noting that python3.5 introduced a stand-alone functional-operator for matrix multiplication @ that brings the R and python implementations back into line:

#Using the functional @ operator in Python 3.5+:
eigVecs @ np.diag(eigVals) @ eigVecs.T
## array([[6., 2.],
##        [2., 3.]])

It’s worth noting that object orientation can be considered applicable to modules/functions as well in python. For example, the eigen-decomposition for non-symmetric matrices follows the rule: \(A = V\lambda V^{-1}\), where \(V^{-1}\) denotes the inverse of \(V\). In R, matrix inversion is computed using the solve() function. In python, matrix inversion is part of the numpy “linear algebra” subset of functions. These are accessible via numpy through its linalg attribute, much in the same way that dot() and eig() were accessible previously for our object mat:

#Non-symmetric eigendecomposition in R
#Calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors 
#Check the results: A - V.diag(lambda).V^-1 = 0 
eig$vectors %*% diag(eig$values) %*% solve(eig$vectors)
##      [,1] [,2]
## [1,]    1    2
## [2,]    3    4
#Non-symmetric eigendecomposition in python 
#Calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors 
eigVals, eigVecs = np.linalg.eig(mat)
#Check the results: A - V.diag(lambda).V^-1 = 0 
eigVecs @ np.diag(eigVals) @ np.linalg.inv(eigVecs)
## array([[1., 3.],
##        [2., 4.]])

Object Oriented Programming and Classes

In python programming in particular, you are guaranteed to run into object classes. These are fundamental to object oriented programming, because these form the bases of the objects themselves.

A class essentially describes a combination of variables (“properties”) and methods that are linked to a particular object/task. Said in words this doesn’t mean much, though, so it’s easiest to understand classes using examples. In python we define a class in a similar manner to function definitions:

#Class definition in python
class Human: 

person1= Human()
## Angus
## <__main__.Human object at 0x1356377c0>
## <__main__.Human object at 0x1356377c0>

Here we created a class Human and used the class to create a variable person1. The class has properties name, occupation, height, and age, and we’ve printed the name by of person1 using the name attribute. But if we print the whole person object we get a cryptic message showing the class and the location of the object in memory.

The power of classes comes with the combination of attributes and methods. There are three main methods that every class should have: initialisation (__init__), print (__str__), and representation (__repr__). Let’s continue with our Human class, but now add an initialisation method and a print method:

#Class definition in python
class Human: 
  def __init__(self, name, occupation, height, weight, age):
  def __str__(self): 
    return f'Person named {} is {self.age} years old, {self.height}cm tall ' \
           f'and weighs {self.weight}kg.'  
  def __repr__(self): 
    return f'Human("{}","{self.occupation}","{self.height}","{self.weight}","{self.age}")' 

person1= Human("Angus","Lecturer",165.0,65.0,30)
## Angus
## Person named Angus is 30 years old, 165.0cm tall and weighs 65.0kg.
## Human("Angus","Lecturer","165.0","65.0","30")

A few important things here. Firstly: you can see the occurances of self in the code above. self is, probably unsurprisingly, the “self-reference” within the class. That is: it tells the code that this function uses information within this object. The self variable is everywhere in python code, because the code is designed to be object-oriented, and self describes “the current object”.

Secondly, you can see that we added the “initialisation”, and “printing” internal functions. python looks for these when doing certain things.

Finally, you can see that our “initialisation” function allows us to generate arbitrary Human objects on-the-fly, initialised with the information that we want.

We can define additional arbitrary functions to the class, such as functions that “grow” our Human object by \(1\) or \(n\) years:

#Class definition in python
class Human: 
  def __init__(self, name, occupation, height, weight, age):
  def __str__(self): 
    return f'Person named {} is {self.age} years old, {self.height}cm tall ' \
           f'and weighs {self.weight}kg.'  
  def __repr__(self): 
    return f'Human("{}","{self.occupation}","{self.height}","{self.weight}","{self.age}")' 
  def grow1(self): 
    self.age += 1 
    self.weight += 1.0
    self.height -= 0.5
    return self 
  def grow_n(self,n): 
    self.age += n 
    self.weight += 1.0*n
    self.height -= 0.5*n
    return self 

person1= Human("Angus","Lecturer",165.0,65.0,30)
## Person named Angus is 30 years old, 165.0cm tall and weighs 65.0kg.
## Person named Angus is 31 years old, 164.5cm tall and weighs 66.0kg.
## Person named Angus is 43 years old, 158.5cm tall and weighs 78.0kg.
## Person named Angus is 43 years old, 158.5cm tall and weighs 78.0kg.
## Human("Angus","Lecturer","158.5","78.0","43")

Note that the functions which act on self act in-place!

Object orientation in R

There are actually 4 different ways to implement object-oriented programming in R, that are known as S3, S4, RC, and R6. We won’t use “OOP” in R in this course, but it’s worth demonstrating briefly how one performs the above class generation in R using the R6 method (which is closest to pythons formalism).

#Unlike S3, S4, and RC, R6 is currently not in base R.
#Class definition in R
Human <- R6Class("Human", list(
  name = NULL,
  height = NA, 
  weight = NA, 
  age = NA,
  initialize = function(name, occupation, height, weight, age) {
    self$name <- name
    self$occupation <- occupation
    self$height <- height
    self$weight <- weight
    self$age <- age
  print = function() { 
    cat(paste('Person named',self$name,'is',self$age,'years old, '))
    cat(paste(self$height,'cm tall and weighs ',self$weight,'kg.\n',sep=''))
  grow1 = function(){  
    self$age <- self$age + 1 
    self$weight <- self$weight + 1.0
    self$height <- self$height - 0.5
  grow_n = function(n){ 
    self$age <- self$age + n 
    self$weight <- self$weight + 1.0*n
    self$height <- self$height - 0.5*n

person1= Human$new("Angus","Lecturer",165.0,65.0,32)
## Person named Angus is 32 years old, 165cm tall and weighs 65kg.
## Person named Angus is 33 years old, 164.5cm tall and weighs 66kg.
## Person named Angus is 45 years old, 158.5cm tall and weighs 78kg.
## Person named Angus is 45 years old, 158.5cm tall and weighs 78kg.
## Person named Angus is 45 years old, 158.5cm tall and weighs 78kg.

Note that R produces consistent output as print() when you just request the object (as in the last line). If you want to see a version of the object as would be produced by python’s __repr__, then you can use the function dput():

#Equivalent of __repr__ output in R
## <environment>

Reading and Writing Data

Reading and writing data will not be overly important in this course, however it is obviously an important part of understanding and using R and python on a day-to-day basis. Both R and python have the ability to read most standard formats in a fast way. Here we compile a sample of read/write functions in each language, for reference.

In R the base code can read and write ascii files, albeit in a slow-ish manner. As such it is normally advantageous to use the data.table read/write functions, which are blazingly fast, for reading ascii data. Similarly in python, pandas has a read_csv function that is C based and is reasonably fast.

Let’s generate some data and test the read speeds of a few various methods. We’ll generate \(1\) million rows of data in \(4\) columns containing integers, reals, and strings.

#Generate some fake data 
rstring<-function(n) { paste0(sample(LETTERS, n, TRUE),collapse='') }
                strings=replicate(1E6,rstring(10), TRUE))
#Output the data with data.table

Now let’s read the dateset with R and python:

#ASCII File IO in R
#Read the file with the default read.csv 
##    user  system elapsed 
##   4.219   0.374   4.459
#Read the file with data.table::fread
##    user  system elapsed 
##   0.271   0.015   0.285
#ASCII File IO in python
def numpyrun(): 
  #Read with the numpy GenFromTxt
  return (stop-start)
def pandasrun(): 
  #Read with the pandas read_csv
  return (stop-start)

## 2.6178202660000025
## 0.5760184310000014

There are also functions in both R and python for reading/writing binary data in standard science formats (e.g. FITS) and formats that are designed for rapid reading/writing in each language (e.g. RDS, pickle, feather, etc).

Plotting my Data

Both R and python have very sophisticated plotting capabilities.

In particular, python’s matplotlib is a widely used tool for producing figures. There are a large number of examples of how one produces figures with matplotlib available online.

In R one can trivially plot lots of things using the base code, and base plots are frequently customised (behind the scenes) to make the results more useful. Additionally, there are multiple packages available that add functionality to the base plotting routines (such as magicaxis), or replace the base plotting entirely (such as ggplot).

As a demonstration, here is how we plotted the data+model+uncertainty figures from our section “Modern Science and the Requirement of Programming”. Here is the base R plotting routine:

#Plotting in R with base "plot"
#Plot the scatter plot with a title 
        main=paste("a=",round(digits=2,best_R[1]),"±",round(digits=2,best_R[3]),"; ",
#Overplot the best-fit model line
#Overplot the uncertainty region
#Add a legend
legend('topright',legend=c('Data','Best-fit Model','1-sigma uncertainty'),

We can use the magicaxis package, which provides a layer on-top of base plotting to optimise how figures are styled:

#Plotting in R with magicaxis
#Plot the scatter plot with a title 
        main=paste("a=",round(digits=2,best_R[1]),"±",round(digits=2,best_R[3]),"; ",
#Overplot the best-fit model line
#Overplot the uncertainty region
#Add a legend
legend('topright',legend=c('Data','Best-fit Model','1-sigma uncertainty'),

Here is our equivalent plot in python using matplotlib:

#Plotting with matplotlib in python 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Do the standard scatter plot 
#Overplot the best-fit model line 
plt.plot(model_x,scipy.stats.beta.pdf(model_x,best_py[0],best_py[1]),color='r',label='Best-fit Model')
#Overplot the uncertainty region 
plt.plot(model_x,scipy.stats.beta.pdf(model_x,best_py[0],best_py[1])-r.sigma,'--',color='r',label='1-sigma uncertainty')
#Add a title 
plt.title("a="+str(np.round(best_py[0],2))+"±"+str(np.round(sigma_py[0,0],2))+"; "+
#Add a legend 

Finally, as a demonstration of the available plotting tools in R, I’m again going to exploit the example() function…

Here we have an example of sky-plots with magicaxis:

#Sky-plots in R with magicaxis
## magprj> # GAMA fields:
## magprj> par(mar=c(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1))
## magprj> magproj(c(129,141), c(-2,3), type='b', projection='aitoff', centre=c(180,0),
## magprj+ fliplong=TRUE, labloc=c(90,-45), col='red', labeltype = 'sex', crunch=TRUE)

## magprj> magproj(c(211.5,223.5), c(-2,3), col='red', add=TRUE)
## magprj> magproj(c(30.2,38.8), c(-10.25,-3.72), col='red', add=TRUE)
## magprj> magproj(c(30.2,38.8), -6, type='l', add=TRUE, col='grey')
## magprj> magproj(c(339,351), c(-35,-30), col='red', add=TRUE)
## magprj> magecliptic(width=10,col=hsv(1/12,alpha=0.3),border=NA)
## magprj> magecliptic(width=0,col='orange')
## magprj> magMWplane(width=20,col=hsv(v=0,alpha=0.1),border=NA)
## magprj> magMWplane(width=0,col='darkgrey')
## magprj> magMW(pch=16, cex=2, col='darkgrey')
## magprj> magsun(c(7,26), pch=16, cex=2, col='orange2') #An important date!
## magprj> magproj(c(174,186), c(-3,2), col='red', add=TRUE)
## magprj> #Plus SDSS:
## magprj> magproj(c(110,260), c(-4,70), border='blue', add=TRUE)
## magprj> magproj(c(35,135,180,217.5,345), c(-3.72,3,2,3,-30)+10, type='t',
## magprj+ plottext=c('G02','G09','G12','G15','G23'), add=TRUE)
## magprj> legend('topleft', legend=c('GAMA Regions','SDSS Main Survey'), col=c('red','blue'),
## magprj+ pch=c(15,NA), lty=c(NA,1), bty='n')
## magprj> legend('topright', legend=c('Ecliptic','MW Plane'), col=c(hsv(c(1/12,0), v=c(1,0),
## magprj+ alpha=0.5)), pch=c(15,15), lty=c(1,1), bty='n')
## magprj> legend('bottomleft', legend=c('Sun', 'MW Centre'), col=c('orange2','darkgrey'), pch=16,
## magprj+ bty='n')

Or image plotting a colour image with magicaxis:

#Sky-plots in R with magicaxis
example("magimageWCSRGB", run.dontrun = TRUE)
## mWCSRG> image=readFITS(system.file("extdata", 'VIKING/mystery_VIKING_Z.fits', package="ProFound"))
## mWCSRG> #Convenient image plotting for lists containing headers:
## mWCSRG> 
## mWCSRG> magimageWCS(image$imDat, header=image$hdr)

## mWCSRG> magimageWCS(image)
## mWCSRG> #First using the outer margins for tick labels:
## mWCSRG> 
## mWCSRG> par(mar=c(3.1,3.1,1.1,1.1))
## mWCSRG> magimageWCS(image)

## mWCSRG> magimageWCS(image, coord.type='deg')

## mWCSRG> #Now removing the margins and putting labels inside the image:
## mWCSRG> 
## mWCSRG> par(mar=c(0,0,0,0))
## mWCSRG> magimageWCS(image, margin=FALSE)

## mWCSRG> magimageWCS(image, margin=FALSE, coord.type='deg')

## mWCSRG> #We can make a WCS colour image of mismatched images:
## mWCSRG> 
## mWCSRG> VISTA_K=readFITS(system.file("extdata", 'VISTA_K.fits', package="magicaxis"))
## mWCSRG> VST_r=readFITS(system.file("extdata", 'VST_r.fits', package="magicaxis"))
## mWCSRG> GALEX_NUV=readFITS(system.file("extdata", 'GALEX_NUV.fits', package="magicaxis"))

## mWCSRG> magimageWCSRGB(VISTA_K, VST_r, GALEX_NUV, saturation=0.5)

## mWCSRG> #To make direct magimageRGB plots of the outputs you must turn off magmap scaling:
## mWCSRG> 
## mWCSRG> temp=magimageWCSRGB(VISTA_K, VST_r, GALEX_NUV)

## mWCSRG> magimageRGB(R=temp$R, G=temp$G, B=temp$B, magmap=FALSE)

## mWCSRG> #We can map onto various WCS schemes easily too:
## mWCSRG> 

## mWCSRG> magimageWCSRGB(VISTA_K, VST_r, GALEX_NUV, VST_r$hdr)


Finally, here’s an example of the default plot for data frames in R:

#Data frame plots in R 
#Make a data frame with random gaussian data
#Add some spuriously correlated variables 
#Include a character variable, just because we can
#This is our data
#This is the default plot (but with transparent filled dots)

and the magicaxis equivalent:

#Data frame plots with magicaxis in R 
cat$Str<-NULL #Remove the string data 